

Blaming all Muslims for Mohideen's views is dangerous

Imtiaz Jabir Cader, Puttalam

As a Sri Lankan muslim from Puttalam, Sri Lanka, I write to strongly protest against the recent article on your website, by one Charles Perera.

As a regular visitor to Lankaweb, I have seen this person's name before. I found his half page headlines and new English words he invents amusing.

But his article on 26 January on some issue with a Mr Mohideen on 'Sinhalisation of the East' ends up with lies about Sri Lankan muslims. These can result in Muslim people being targeted by the extremist Sinhalese. It will be a tragedy because we are currently living in peace with the Sinhala people in the east .

Mr Perera is saying that Sinhala, Tamils and Muslims, should be united, and live together respecting each other and when a person has been murdered in a family, it is not hatred that should persist, etc. He calls who will sow the seeds of division 'the devils children', and then he wants to weed out M.I.M.Mohideen.

After that, Mr Perera starts to blame all the Muslims for problems in history, calling us Islamic hoardes who devastated ancient cultures, burnt the places of worship, and sacred images. He blames us for Talibans destroying Buddha Statues, and building their owns mosques, and places sacred to them.

Mr Perera is wrong in saying that the Muslims ruined the Dighavapi. It ws destroyed by the Portuguese when they were spreading Christian religion in the east. THey have als destroyed all the temples in Kotte. No Muslim Minister flattened the land destroying the ancient ruins to settle Muslims. This is wrong history and utter lies that can create problems for the Muslims in Sri Lanka.

Mr Perera's order to the Muslim leaders to not resort to this age old Islamic tradition of destroying the culture, and the sacred historic places of Buddhism is not necessary because our leaders have not done anything like that.

I am not aware of Mr Perera's background or where he is coming from, but he should practice what he is preaching. He started by talking about not hating, and ends with terrible hatred towards Muslims. He should be decent enough to treat Mr Mohideen as an individual and not to blame all the Muslims if he has a fault. I am a Muslim and I don't even know Mr Mohideen and I should not be blamed for destroying Digawapi. Muslims like Major Nizam Muthalif (whose wife is Sinhalese) have sacrificed their lives in the war against LTTE.

Half-baked commentators like Mr Perera who have nothing better to do are undermining racial harmony in Sri Lanka and are a threat to Sri Lankan peace.

Thank you.

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