

Release the film " Prabhakaran " from the illegal snatch
Open Letter to High Commission of India, Colombo

Ben Silva UK

Dear Sir,

Please take action to release the film " Prabhakaran " from the illegal snatch at Gemini Studios, India

Morality, not force, must direct human action. A recent news item indicate that LTTE has killed another Tamil, non Buddhist Politician, Hon Jeyaraj Fernandopulle, a non racist, who held an important position in the Government of Sri Lanka. Mr Jeyaraj Fernandopulle, was the Chief Government Whip of parliament and also the Minister of highways and road development. As you know, LTTE killed the Oxford educated, Catholic, Tamil Sri Lankan foreign minister, Lakshman Kadirgamar. LTTE have also killed many Tamil politicians including, Tamil Mayors of Jaffna, for the simple reason that they did not follow the racist nature of LTTE. LTTE simply threaten or kill those that oppose them. The leader of the LTTE, Prabhakaran, is a racist, insane evil killer, similar to Hitler.

To indicate that there is fairness in Sri Lanka, Chief of Navy and Chief of Police in Sri Lanka have been Tamils, in addition to ministers in the Government.

It is important that the truth is told to the world and the film “Prabhakaran” may help in giving a balanced view to the world, as what is heard now is LTTE propaganda. Mr Prabhakaran is a mentally deranged evil person, who has brain washed children and women to become racist killers. Civilised human beings in the world has a duty to stop this insane person killing more innocent people and mislead other humans. Majority of the Tamils live amongst the Sinhalese in peace. The treatment the Sinhala producer got in Tamil Nadu, beaten to an unconscious state is indeed sad. I have given below a brief introduction about the activities of LTTE.

LTTE is on a mission to create a racist mono ethnic state in Sri Lanka. If they succeed, the whole of the Indian subcontinent would be set on fire due to ethnic divisive wars. Tamils based in Western countries are funding the terror war in Sri Lanka. One may begin to question why the Western countries are turning a blind eye to LTTE fund raising. Many in Sri Lanka wish to know, if some in Western countries want to break-up Sri Lanka first and then target India. Western countries have also favoured bogus Tamil refugees and heavily discriminated against the Sinhalese. Bogus Tamil refugees heavily out number Sinhalese in Western countries. This has enabled the LTTE and their agents to have a monopoly on propaganda in those countries. Because of the strength of the propaganda of LTTE and their disinformation campaign, very few politicians and officials in UK are aware of the true situation in Sri Lanka.

LTTE had its head office in UK. The UK Government turned a blind eye on the activities in UK and allowed the terrorist organisation to grow into a monster. Fund raising activities for LTTE are allowed to take place in UK, under various fronts, and some UK MPs such as Hon Hughes, Hon Vaz support these fund raising events held by LTTE. In fact EU should bear responsibility for the death and destruction in Sri Lanka and pay compensation to the victims. It is time now to freeze LTTE and TRO funds in Europe. LTTE carry out their unlawful killings in a non stop manner, and GoSL have no option other than to halt their criminal murderous activities. The large number of killings carried out by LTTE clearly indicate the need to neutralise their propaganda and also the need to halt the activities of the deadly terrorist organisation.

I wish to seek your support to release the film ‘Prabhakaran’ produced by Sri Lankan producers, now held in the Gemini Studios, in Tamil Nadu, India, against the wishes of the lawful owners and producers of the film. This film may give a balanced view to the world and it is essential to release it to safeguard freedom of expression and for the world to know the truth. It is a sad day, if there is no justice in Tamil Nadu. I still have faith in the judicial system of India and the Tamil Nadu state.

Yours sincerely,

Ben Silva

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