

Plight of Podiappuhami

Sunil Vijayapala.

Dear Sir,

I met K.D.Podiappuhamy of Galwala Rd, Pothanegama, Anuradhapura near the Tissa Wewa bund, a national treasure of 99 years old. This poor man has worked for 21 years at Archeology Department Anuradhapura and Nagara Sabahwa Anuradhapura and he had gone on pension in 1987. His pension has been denied by clerks soliciting bribes and up to now he has not received any money.

He had appealed to past Presidents and the present President and there had been no responses to date. His application has been accepted then as he should have been in a permanent role. Irrespective of his work status it's a crime that he should be denied of his pension or some sought of compensation, as this man is now dependent on his children and propabaly will not live for long.

My own experience with Government departments in Anuradhapura(or any other place) had been pathetic. The same old stucture, work ethics continues and our Minister of Public Administration should be congratulated upon maintaining the status quo. The letters get mis-placed, the Head of the department rings the bell, the dumb Chief Clerk enters followed by the dumb subject clerk and the rigid regimentalism continues, which existed for the last 40 years, with inefficiency, ineffectiveness and corruption. When will this country change it's work ethics, moving away from the 19th century British regimental crap? Should Mahinda get involved directly and bring about major changes or this is another letter published which will go unnoticed.

Sri Lanka is muddled up to such an extent that it needs some foreign expertise to bring about solid changes in every sphere, and the best country to seek help would be Canada.

Thank you.

Sunil Vijayapala.

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