

SLAF Helicopter Gunships attack terror resistance point - North of Nachchikuda
SLAF jets raid LTTE command center - Kilinochchi
Counter terrorist operations continue in Mullaittivu

Air Force MI-24 helicopter gunships have launched air sorties targeting LTTE resistance point observed in north of Nachchikuda Forwar Defence Line (FDL) this evening, 06 November.

Targeted LTTE resistance point located 1.2Km north of security forces' defence line in Nachchikuda, Air Force spokesperson, Wing Commander Janaka Nanayakkara said.

Air sorties were launched around 6.10 pm in support of ground troops of Task Force 1 advancing along to the A-32 road towards Pooneryn, spokesperson added.

SLAF jets raid LTTE command center - Kilinochchi

Sri Lanka Air Force fighter jets pounded on LTTE leaders' command center in Paranthan, Kilinochchi this afternoon, (06 November).

Air Force spokesperson, Wing Commander Janaka Nanayakkara, speaking to said that targeted LTTE command center located in 1Km northeast of Paranthan junction and it was hit around 2.35 p.m.

The target was engaged accurately, spokesperson added.

Counter terrorist operations continue in Mullaittivu

Pockets of LTTE concentrations were exposed to intense military assaults at Andankulama, at the Mullaittivu battlefront yesterday(Nov 5), as terrorists were forced to flee with heavy casualties, military sources said.

Security forces are operating in close perimeters of the LTTE's Mullaittivu forward defences further denying LTTE escape routes, following the outfit's humiliating debacles at the western and eastern Kilinochchi battlefronts.

The 59 Division troops are taking-in well fortified LTTE trench lines and bunker overheads as the surge in Mullaittivu continue, defence sources said. The march in Mullaittivu is phased tactically with the thick jungle terrain and the concentration of LTTE laid land mines and booby traps. This has resulted in minimum military casualties and optimum mobilization of the infantry and artillery battalions to the forefront, the sources further said.

Counter terrorist operations are continuing in the area.

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