

Dr. Rama Mani – R2P-Ready to Pack

Sisira Pereira, PanaduraForeign

Foreign nations and their individuals with ulterior motives have tried to undermine the sovereignty of Sri Lanka since this island nation became the feasting paradise of imperialists and treasure hunters. The treasures that they were looking for were of different nature, the foremost of them being the Sinhala Buddhist culture that was deep-rooted in the hearts and minds of its people. Though Sri Lanka has had to endure the suppression by western and south Indian conquerors for more than 1000 years, the majority people of this land, cultured by far superior living ideals and peaceful doctrines of Buddhism, never lost the touch of peaceful co-existence in their communities of differing ethnicity, cast, creed and religion.

Though the Island of Sri Lanka went through many an antagonizing eras of foreign interventions, the country and its people survived with their virtues intact, which were disciplined by the rich culture nourished by the majority religion. The extraordinary people of Sri Lanka, to the amazement of the western forces, continued to prosper even when faced with dire situations, under which any other third world nation would have succumbed to by now. Sri Lanka, thus, had the in-built fortune of possessing a superior ability of tolerating the good and the bad alike and bouncing back to livelihood and move ahead with great tolerence much to the envy of creationist-based thinking.

The so-called foreign forces would from time to time “forecast” doom for the country if not their advises were not heeded in relation to predicaments faced by the nation, yet the people managed to defy “expert” predictions even to survive the menace of terrorism, the world’s most ruthless of its kind, for 30 long years. Malicious foreign powers have never stopped trying to undermine this “buffer” capacity of the Sri Lankan nation for far too long by targeted destruction of the “base” for it, namely the Buddhist way of life. The easiest way of doing that, the westerners have been convinced during the past 500 years, is by poisoning the Buddhist culture that is woven so intricately into the Sri Lankan society.

The Lord Buddha, is said to have blessed this island nation as the only place that Buddhism will thrive for 5000 years enriching the lives of the people. The foreign powers are trying to destroy the very same before reaching 5000 years and we are past 2500. The malicious powers who are on die-hard missions to undermine the very essence of this country, keeps failing at crucial times, as we believe, by the grace of guardian deities of this island, whom the Buddha has entrusted the responsibility of protecting against evil.

Dr. Mani is just another trial and error example of the more than 1000 odd year old saga of the foreign forces acting against the will of the people of this nation. Many like her have tried and failed in their missions.

It is now the time for Dr. Mani to join the long line of failed predecessors, also realizing the true meaning of the R2P, when dealing with Sri Lanka with a sinister mind to destroying its thousand year old cultural and social legacy.

We welcome the decision by the government to withdraw your visa and, thus, asking you to leave Sri Lanka.

Ready 2 Pack, aren’t you, Mani?

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