

Woman Militant

Daya Nikahetiya.

Setting sun was running away
leaving them alone
women militants were lying silently
in a narrow, stinky, muddy bunker
in the middle of the thick jungle
Surrounded by fear and sorrow.

Nagai Nila...the youngest among all
saw her mom's shadow, this morning
following her behind
Doubt and sorrow pressing her mind
forcing her to run away
from this turmoil!

"Mama I wanted to come home
for the pongal.....
but they didn't allow.
Believe me they are not human
Do not care about any values
We are not allowed even to freely move
No one knows what will happen next
We are scared of our lives"!

She can still remember
How all that happened
They took away all in her school,
to use them as human-shields
"Mama I made up my mind
to get away from this prison
dead or alive"!

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