

The BBC's Latest Report On Sri Lanka's Human Right Violations In Collaboration With the Human Rights Watch (HRW) Put Into True Perspective.

Insight By Sunil Kumar For LankaWeb

March 6th 2008
Under the caption "Sri Lanka rapped over 'disappeared' " Once again the British Broadcasting Corporation which some dub "the Biased Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) "seems to have taken the liberty to name call the Sri Lankan Authorities in their typical biased fashion providing more grist for the mill of thought that they indeed are a biased lot who jump to conclusions resting on some of their laurels of credibility as an acknowledged credible source of information which is not always the case as the laurels are beginning to wither!

While it is common knowledge amongst the more discerning around the world that organizations such as the Human Rights Watch (HRW)and others of their ilk see and report only what they want to see while often bypassing very visibly situations of true human rights violations and excessive persecutions greater by far than any they could statistically prove or confirm in Sri lanka beyond perhaps hearsay and a feebly put together program to 'up' the cause of the Tamil Tigers towards whom the BBC now has a reputation of "prefering to lean towards in sympathy", where their objective towards this cause is distinctly visible through body language and rhetoric!

To say that Sri Lanka's government "is one of the world's worst perpetrators of enforced disappearances" based upon the instigation of US-based pressure group Human Rights Watch (HRW) is a ludicrous conclusion at a time when the Nation of Sri Lanka is engaged in a war against terrorism with some of the worst kown terrorists in the world and the truth of the matter is, the accusation better fits the Tamil Tiger terrorists who in almost every case have violated human rights, persecuted amd murdered innocent civillians and the the record stands indelibly etched in stone to prove it statistically and to suggest blatantly perhaps even ignorantly that "The Security Forces are accused of abducting hundreds of people "is perhaps one of the biggest concoctions and misrepresentation of facts that the BBC have ever indulged in thus far and the nerve of it becomes apparent more so as they have very little or no real statistics to prove their accusations beyond speculation to a greater part!
It appears of no consequence to the consciences of those who compiled it that A HRW report accusing security forces and pro-government militias of abducting and "disappearing" hundreds of people - mostly Tamils - since 2006 is a diabolical distortion of the facts perhaps concocted to garner international sympathy for the Tamil Tigers as the term 'Tamil' is being used and the abductions and dissapearances of hundreds of people (more likely tens of thousands of people) are better attributable to the terrorists and their collaboraters where the Government of Sri Lanka has within its rights initiated measures to quell and counter the attrocities of the terrorists who have attempted to destroy the Soverignity and Territorial Integrity of Sri lanka for decades without success and as always the case there have been civilians at times caught in the cross fire which the GOSL has meticulously tried to avoid and to be accused of the crimes as presented by HRW in collaboration is a complete distortion of the facts and an attempt to distract world opinion from the stark reality that the horrors in Sri lanka are more often than not a direct result of Tamil Tiger attrocities rather than being Government initiated and the term "dissapearances of civilians" a hallmark of the Tamil Tigers and part of their modus operandi!

Very justifiably, consequently the Sri Lankan Government has responded by saying that HRW has exaggerated the scale of the problem to which it might be added the HRW are no more than a bunch of trouble makers more often than not revelling in innuendo and baseless concoctions exaggerated beyond reality.This is often done to suit their means and objectives (and in all probabilites for handsome under the table renumeration) entailing a distorted definition of what real human rights violations are and where they need to be realistically pinpointed rather than take a random pick!often without rational conclusive means or tangible evidence and the ever ready BBC lapping it all up towards cheap sensationalism news reporting which can be very damaging to the reputation of Sri Lanka and needs to be pointed out to the world that it is absolutely unacceptable from a Sri Lankan Administrative standpoint.

To all appearances this appears to be a powerful lobby intended to damage Sri Lanka's reputation based not only upon the myopic viewpoints of Human Rights Watch and the BBC but also those of a group calling themselves The International Independent Group of Eminent Persons (IIGEP) comprising 'experts' from Australia, Britain, Canada, India, Japan, France, The Netherlands, the US, the European Union and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights whose eminences in this case are not only debatable but also seem to be demanding a name change to their organization.

Perhaps it should more appropriately read : International Independent Group of Biased Persons (IIGBP?)whose pursuit of the Sri Lankan Government seems hell bent towards bringing it to disrepute perhaps in favour of the Tamil Tiger supportives and the global Tamil diaspora backing them with their lies an innuendo which are often blown out of proportion while conveniently camouflaging the real issue of whose rights and freedoms have in reality been violated and a far cry from the Tamils at issue here where the rights of the Sinhalese, Muslims and other minorities have been grossly violated by the Tami Tigers who have been conveniently overlooked towards guilt by the BBC and the HRW! using a load of cockamanie excuses to attract world attention.

They are better off directing their attentions to the parts of the world where real human rights offences occur on a daily basis often under the eyes and perhaps even the auspices( whether inadvertently or not!) of the USA, the UK and the UN who merely watch as innocent civillians are murdered, raped and pillaged by the real perpetrators of global misery where the Sri Lankan Government and its image in the eyes of the world needs to be spared the ignominy of their attempts to disfigure and bring to disrepute !

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