

Why does JVP's reasons to strike & reasons to call off strike differ?

Shenali Waduge

The supposed champions of the public have declared 10th July as a general strike to demand a wage increase for all public sector employees citing the skyrocketing cost of living.

If this was the reason d'etre for the strike why is the JVP placing 3 demands upon the Government that have nothing at all to do with the reason why they are going on strike?

Their demands to implement the 17th amendment, to cancel early provincial council elections & reduce ministerial portfolios & presidential advisors to 30 each have nothing to do with the reason why they are calling for a general strike. If fact none of the 3 demands are likely to provide any solace to the common man who is trying to make ends meet?

The needs of the public do not come into the equation for the JVP at all - they are merely concerned about propping up their diminishing public opinion through paralyzing the public & private sectors through their unions.

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