

Mr. Naryaanan, Thanks for Your Concern!

Janaka Yagirala

We people of Sri Lanka by all means sincerely and wholeheartedly thank Mr. M. K. Naryaanan (National Security Adviser, India) for expressing India’s “grave concern and unhappiness at the growing casualties of unarmed Tamil civilians as a result of military action” (News

We would also thank you in advance for extending India’s “concern” to the innocent victims of all LTTE suicide bombers starting off with the most recent victim Maj. Gen. (Retired) Janaka Perera. Though this great soldier made a completely idiotic decision of contesting with the unpatriotic UNP (to the dismay of all patriotic people), upon his tragic death, let the memories of his heroic battles in Welioya and Jaffna be remembered. Gen. Perera reiterated the lesson of Maj. Gen. Lakshman Algama and (not the least) Rajiv Gandhi that terrorists have no permanent friends or enemies. A lesson which tiger lovers of today should better learn before it is too late!

Indeed Mr. Naryaanan, most countries tend preach one thing to Sri Lanka and practice something else. After all big brother US, preaches the most saintly versus on human rights but allows waterboarding (in short simulated drowning) in Guantanamo Bay and Iraq. India is no exception but somewhat difficult to get straight much like the weather.

A typical bully is someone who strikes down at the weak and runs away from the strong. Thank the British for making India disproportionately large in South Asia by uniting the countless petty kingdoms of Maharajas into one big union. After independence, India went on subjugation spree, starting with Operation Polo in 1948 where Hyderabad was invaded and annexed. In 1949, Bhutan was reduced to a nominally independent state with its foreign affairs “handled by India”.. Tiny Sikkim succumbed in 1975. Nepal was a bit lucky, starting off with the 1950 Treaty of Friendship and culminating with the notorious blockade of landlocked Nepal in 1989-90 in response for pursuing a more independent political stance.

One the other hand, India met a match during the Sino-Indian war of 1962. After all China declared a unilateral ceasefire to the humiliation of India, a humiliation which was evident in the rapid deterioration and death of Nehru after the conflict.

A similar match was met on December 24, 1999. This time it was not a superpower but instead it was 5 hijackers who took control of Indian Airlines Flight 814. India had a record of military operations (in neighbouring small states of course!) like the 1988 rescue of damsel state Maldives from invading Sri Lankan Tamil militants. Super-India also came to the rescue in Sri Lanka by dropping Parippu in 1987.

The world held tight, expecting an Entebbe style military raid from India, possibly in high style much like the ending of a typical Bollywood Movie. Too bad India had to send Jaswant Singh on a humiliating mission of handing over the jailed Kashmiri militants Maulana Masood Azhar, Mushtaq Zargar and Ahmed Sheikh to rebels striving break Kashmir away.

Also Mr. Naryaanan, please extend the concern of India to the treatment of Dalits (Untouchables) in India, after all its only in India where a Dalit going to a government job or university can inspire countless high castes to self immolate. Hope you will be concerned about Dowry Murders as well, where countless Indian women have to die in staged household “accidents” because their dowry was short of a few hundred rupees. Hopefully the environmental catastrophe due to the Jaduguda Uranium mine in Bihar where countless tribal people suffer due to uranium waste will also get your kind concern.

Last but not least, better watch Salaam Bombay when you get the time, it will tell you volumes about the plight of street children in India who are in dire need of someone’s concern!

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