


Shripal Nishshanka Fernando

In 1987, Sri Lankan brave armed forces with other security divisions launched the most successful operation under the code name 'Operation Liberation' to capture the Terrorist leader who was hiding in Vadamarachchi. Under the great and ingenious leadership of late General Denzil Kobbekaduwa, the operation was a most successful to that date after Gemunu-Elara war, as far as the liberating the country and the religion from its' destroyers was concerned.

It was about 1.00 AM in the morning on the 11th of May or around then, the late JRJ, then the executive President of SL, being the Chief Commander of the forces promulgated the signal saying 'Operation Liberation Part ll- Ceasefire". There were just only 4-5 hours before the most wanted terrorist leader was to be captured alive. His convoy was well traced and everything was in proper place to apprehend the most brutal man in the world.
Why did the former president JRJ stop that operation?
That is a billion dollar question.

If that operation was continued as planned, no doubt that this world is a better place today. Later those terrorists were hired by Hamas, Hezbollah, Taliban and also Al-Qaida for their destructive tactics and learnt the techniques of most heinous acts of suicide missions. If that Vadamarachchi operation was concluded as planned the Tamil people would not have lost many of their precious lives.

Uma Maheshwaran being a close friend of Rajiv Gandhi during their college times phoned then Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and requested to intervene and stop the operation. Rajiv Gandhi knowing the Sri Lankan forces capacity very well, without wasting a moment, called JRJ and said, he wants the operation to be ceased immediately. Once again the next question is why did JRJ listen to Rajiv and stop the operation? Is Sri Lanka a state under Indian Central Government? That is why the world would be a better place today, if not for the narrow minded and short-sighted vision of JRJ. With all due respect to him, we have to analyze the cause and the effect of the current situation. No doubt that JRJ had requested in one of the Common Wealth meetings in late forties that Ceylon to be a state under India. Such a person became the first Executive President of Sri Lanka and today she suffers vehemently. There were good decisions also implemented by JRJ, but the mistakes he did are gravely disastrous.

Today, almost all the political leaders of ThamilNadu have requested the Indian PM Man Mohan Singh to interfere in the Sri Lankan forces march towards the liberation. That is the biggest joke of the year. If they want, they can invite all those terrorists to their laps and feed them with the baby bottles, as they did before.

But they better know that present President Mahinda Rajapaksha will not head to those rubbish appeals even the God requests so.

President MR is a man with principles and dignity. He is a person who loves all the people living in Sri Lanka. He will not reverse any decision he has taken to clean the country from those brutal and malicious murderers. The terrorist is a terrorist and there will be no any place in the world for such a person. If Tamils want a separate country, they better request that from India and not from the tiny island Sri Lanka. Anybody having any other opinion better know that. Sri Lanka will be for everybody who knows the values of harmony and sovereignty.
Sri Lanka shall be liberated soon and the whole world will start to enjoy the breath of peace once again.

May the Sri Lankan President, his government, the brave Commanders of the forces, the Sri Lankan forces with other security personnel, all peace loving Sri Lankans and all other peace loving people in the world have the courage and the protection from the Triple Gem and All Good Guardian Deities to march towards the victory.

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