

Where is the Catholic Church

This is Jerald Owens from USA

Another great son of the Paradise Island was brutally murdered by the terrorist savage scum from Kilinochchi.

Honorable Fernandopulle, the man who feared none, a Tamil, a Catholic, who repeatedly contested and won a predominanatly Sinhalese Buddhist constituency was a true leader of both Sinhalese and Tamils, may they be Buddhists, Christians, Moslems or Hindus.

In the world we live in, in a part of the world where sectarian and racial violence is common this man rose above everyone and represented what Sri Lanka could be. That the people of the Paradise Island can put aside all racial and religious prejudices and differences to serve the people and the country

Our Sympathy from America's Mid West to the Fernandopulle family.

By murdering Honorable Kadiragamar LTTE earned their banning from (predominantly) the West. By murdering Gandhi of India they earned the hatred from Sri Lankas immediate neighbor. By attempting on the life of General Fonseka they started the present systematic decimation of the LTTE militarily. But by this senseless cold blooded killing of a true Sri Lankan who served everyone regardless of race or religion the LTTE may have nailed their coffin finally.

On a very important issue, as an ex-Irish Catholic, I am still awaiting the response from the Catholic Church may it be South, North, East or West of Sri Lanka. Where are the guardians of the Madhu Church. Condolences are pouring in from world over for this great sons death but where the hell is the Catholic Church or the rest of the Christian Community.

Shape of things to come from the Christians in Sri Lanka, I guess.

It is obvious then that the Catholic Church and the Christians of Sri Lanka are in many ways the sympathizers of the LTTE proving that the belief of most Sri Lankans may be accurate.

SHAME, SHAME, SHAME on all of you..

Jerald Owens

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