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UN Scandals - too many to mentionShenali WadugeThere is a saying that people who live in glass houses should not throw stones ... it seems the perfect advice to the swanks of the UN who find themselves plagued with scandals involving financial, sexual & human rights. The UN is faced with the same sets of allegations that they have been accusing member states of committing. The scandals raise one simple question only - Does the UN have any moral right to point its accusing finger upon any member state before they put their own house in order? The UN Charter was signed on 1st October 1945. The ambitious preamble to the Charter read "to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war... to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights... to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and to promote social progress." The UN's celebration of 60 years existence was no easy journey. It rode the storms of division that highlighted conceptual differences between Western & Eastern thought & countries that bore clear demarcations of where each was aligned to & obviously raised what type of rights to include in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It was towards the 1960s that many third-world nations too joined UN member status. Yet, 60 years on the UN sees itself far from succeeding the scourge of war ...instead it is embattled in internal scandals that is rocking its very foundations & as each new scandal emerge it questions the integrity of an establishment that was to perform "miracles" in a world that is enveloped in global crisis. One of the biggest scandals that was to rock the UN & involve member states as well was the infamous oil-for-food program that arose following the US coalition invasion upon Iraq. It brought to light exactly the bureaucracy & the greed for money that prevailed above any desire to salvage malnutritioned children, innocent women or a nation that had to suffer because of a single man & the coalition leaders desire to usurp power of an independent nation for the oil & to secure a stronghold on the Middle East with western vested interests. Oil-for-Food program The people of Iraq had to face severe hardships as a result of the sanctions placed. The Oil-for-food program set up on 14th April 1995 approved by the UN Security Council under Resolution 986 allowed Iraq to sell a certain amount of oil each year & the profits from the sale was to be used to buy food, medicine & other necessities for the Iraqi people. What really happened was quite the opposite. Oil was given to politically connected people including the head of the oil program himself (Benon Sevan). All those involved in the scam (including the former UN Secretary General's son Koju Annan) got rich by more than $195,000 from the UN oil-for-food contractor Cotecna Inspection. It makes one wonder whether Saddam was really the criminal as portrayed by the very people who seemed to have such close links with him. Paul Volcker's findings were surprisingly more alarming than expected & revealed to the world that the UN had a closet full of skeletons themselves. Let us include some of the key findings of that report:
Here are a few of the other scandals that involve the UN, its personnel & those involved in peacekeeping & military efforts through the UN. To avoid making reading cumbersome, only a few of the high profiles cases have been listed though the UN list of corruptions is too many to name individually.
Scandals seem nothing knew in the UN & the scandals have plagued practically all the Secretary Generals of the UN - Kurt Waldheim (the 4th Secretary General of the UN) who held two terms in office, was elected President of Austria amid charges that, while serving with the German army in World War II, his unit was guilty of war crimes. Boutros Boutros-Ghali the sixth Secretary General of the UN too found himself involved in a scandal regarding his role in supplying weapons to the Hutu regime that carried out a campaign of genocide against Tutsi tribe in 1994. Boutros-Ghali was the Foreign Minister of Egypt in 1990 & had facilitated an arms deal worth $26million flown from Cairo to Rwanda & these arms were used by Hutus that resulted in hundreds of deaths. By the time he became UN Secretary General, Boutro-Ghali turned a blind eye to the killings of 1994 (book by Linda Melvern - People Betrayed). Kofi-Annan may be remembered as the most involved Secretary General in scandals where during his term of office the oil-for-food scandal took place & his own son was involved while he did not bow down to pressure to resign from his post. The present Secretary General Ban-ki Moon is also involved in controversy in giving $250million deal to Lockheed Martin without calling for any competitive tenders. Human Rights The United Nations Commission on Human Rights was set up in 1946 in response to the Holocaust. UNCHR is commended for its work on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (30 articles covering fundamental rights covering social, political freedom, equal protection of the law, freedom of speech & assembly & the right to property), unanimously adopted by the General Assembly in 1948. One of the shortcomings of the Declaration was that any member state could gain a seat on the Human Rights Commission (Human Rights Council since 2006) & have equal voting party whether that state violated human rights or not - examples being Sudan, Nigeria. The world has witnessed some gruesome human rights violations publicized enough to have drawn the attention of the UN - however the UN was unable to prevent the slaughter of 7000 Bosnian Muslims though the UN was present in the Balkans since 1993 with a peacekeeping troop of 7600 an easy number for the Serb army to ignore. The 1994 genocide in Rwanda is another example of UN effectiveness - around 800,000 Rwandans were slaughtered in 100 days. The Isaerali-Palestine issue has dragged for so many years leaving civilian death tolls & a community climatized to violence. The death toll in Iraq is rising at alarming rates mostly due to air raids carried out by US troops. The US airstrikes can kill many Iraqi civilians as can Israeli airstrikes but when there is an airstrike by Sri Lanka Air force on a targeting LTTE training base the UN cries foul believing in LTTE propaganda that the target was an orphanage. It is discrepancies like these that make the UN & its agencies a doubted factor especially where integrity is concerned. The name of Lousie Arbor immediately comes to mind no sooner UN Human Rights is mentioned. She was the High Commissioner for Human Rights - a term of office filled with many a faux-pas. In Kosovo her faux pas was to proclaim the Serbian leader of committing genocide for deaths that had been doctored to effect a NATO intrusion. In Rwanda her faux pas came in the cover up of the murder of the deceased President of Rwanda, the President of Burundi and many other persons who were assassinated on April 06 1994 by RPF - pointing the accusing finger at Louise Arbor is Lead Counsel Christopher Black who is defending General Augustin Ndindiliyimana, former Chief of Staff of Rwandan Gendarmerie indicting Paul Kagame and the RPF. Of the lesser crimes can be mentioned the many atrocities involving UN personnel - a Somali child locked up in a storage container for over 48 hours for stealing food from the UN paratroopers - the child died subsequently. A Belgian soldier apparently had forced a Somali boy to eat pork, drink salt water & eat his own vomit. In another case, a UN soldier was accused of murdering a boy who he was urinating upon. The many incidents of rape, torture & murder came to light during the investigation in 1995 of Canadian paratroopers in Somalia. A magazine in Milan posted photographs of Italian soldiers torturing Somali youth. Is this what the UN has been mandated to do? Sex scandals The cases of UN personnel involved in sexual scandals ranging from pedophilia, prostitution, rape are rising & cover peace keeping missions in Kosovo, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea & Haiti. In Congo there are many allegations involving UN personnel: a French Logistics expert was even accused of making pornographic videos of young girls, while 2 Russian peacekeeping pilots based in West Congo had taped sex sessions with minors & paid them with jars of jam. A soldier accused of rape was kept in hiding by Moroccan peace keepers for a year in North Congo, while 2 UN officials (a Canadian & a Ukrainian) were accused of impregnating local women. UNICEF has reported in 2005 that they have treated over 2000 victims of sexual violence. It is most interesting why UN should provide free condoms to its peace keepers? It is worthy to note that while individual member states provide troops that make up the UN peace keepers, it is the lack of management policies & systems in the UN that contribute to violations by the peace keepers & which have led to the many scandals involving sexual abuses. There have even been instances of peace keepers paying or attempting to pay witnesses to change their testimony in cases of alleged abuse. UN rules apply only to its officials & do not apply to military personnel who come under the jurisdiction of their own Government, leaving hardly any room for the victim to obtain justice. * June 2004, Emergency Sex & Other Desperate Measures, a book co-authored by 3 UN peacekeeping & humanitarian workers was released (Kenneth Cain, Heiti Postlewait (UN administrator), & Andrew Thomson (UN physician). The book gave details of mismanagement, misconduct & corruption in the UN's peacekeeping & humanitarian missions. Cain had left the UN before the book's release. However, following the release the UN was quick to inform Andrew Thomason that his contract would not be renewed. UN obviously did not take too kindly to let the world know about its failures, the discontinuing of the contract also signaled a message to all others that disclosure of UN's fallacies would lead to the same fate. It was a move to silence all others who thought of coming forward to expose the UN for a multitude of scandals. The UN does have an internal investigative unit - it is known as the UN Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) & was created in 1994. It is currently investigating 250 cases of sexual & financial offences. The Head of the OIOS Inga-Britt Ahlenius admits "We found mismanagement & fraud & corruption to an extent we didn't really expect". It obviously revealed that much of the abuse, corruption & scandals had yet to surface. It is believed that the fraud involved in contracts is likely to be around $600 million. In 2004, the OIOS exonerated Sanjay Bahel, a UN procurement official who was suspected of steering millions in contracts to an Indian state company. However, he was reinvestigated in 2006 & convicted of bribery in 2008. Investigations are also been done on the $250million contract the UN signed with the US defense firm - Lockheed Martin Corp without bidding to build 5 peace keeping bases in Sudan (Darfur). The present UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon is under fire for individually awarding the contract without inviting competitive bidding. However, all is not well in the UN Internal Oversight Services though
according to 2 UN reviews (reported by BBC & by Washington Post). Erling
Gristad, in a confidential review in 2007 held that the "command & control,
fear-inducing, top-down management style served as the basis for day-to-day
operations .... & an obsessive focus on confidentiality & lack of transparency....a
paramilitary management culture". The other report by Michel Girodo
criticizes Barbara Dixon who was the UN's former top investigator (1995
to 2006) and Mark Gough who was the Deputy Conclusion The UN has been of late plagued with a plethora of problems - bribes, scandals, procurement deals, kickbacks, peacekeeping mishaps, pornography& sexual scandals. But a few scandals have reached epic proportions - the oil-for-food & the disappearances of the funds earmarked for the tsunami relief in Indonesia - all these debacles lead the way to one conclusion - the UN is corrupt & not what it used to be. That illusion of a powerful neutral entity working towards the greater good of the people, to feed the poor, the clothe the naked, to work towards sustainable peace ... the establishment that we once called the UN is today facing its own list of life's challenges & failing. It has taken a pro-leftist stand courtesy to the former Secretary General, shies from dealing with Israel, and does not take decisive action against countries that experiment with nuclear arsenal while trying to promote environmental sustainability. It is no exaggeration to assume that the larger members despite all UN members having one vote has a bigger voice within the UN, the bombing on Kosovo by NATO was without UN approval & depicted the UN as completely powerless. It is perhaps for this reason that Kofi Annan backed the Canadian initiated publication in 2001 that introduced the Responsibility to Protect theory - legitimizing military intervention by strong states against weak ones which is really tantamount to another form of modern neocolonialism. There are likely to be many more such deceitful international endeavors that will seek to hoodwink smaller Governments who possess weak & corrupt leaderships with various forms of "incentives" to accept notions such as R2P. With the looming realization that there are likely to be other such sinister designs upon smaller nations it sets the need for these smaller States like Sri Lanka to rise above corrupt governance & be aware of national interests & various "incentives" that these international forces may try to use. However, the politics of yesteryears with sound international relationships & goodwill are no more. Duplicity, manipulations, deceit & corruption is what reigns & it is exactly what ails the UN. Things are not as simple as we would like them to be. It becomes a tiresome endeavor to distinguish good from bad, right from wrong, with the manipulations that have taken over global governance, we have to bear witness to deals struck with terrorists & wrong doers purely for the sake of the "larger interest" - or that is the lame excuse given to us the public. From the controversies surrounding the UN we begin to realize that the notion of an establishment aiming to be "neutral" is perhaps expecting too much. In a world where the public of all the nations of the world are being hoodwinked by Governments & terrorists & all other underworld characters alike can we expect the UN & its employees to be any different? Integrity & patriotism are loose words attractively used on public platforms, stages & media channels these words do not carry any meaning to any of those embroiled in scandals of the proportions that we ready daily. When the very people who are expected to rise about scandals, prejudices & the greed for money are falling prey can we expect any better of those who openly indulge in the same vices? Cases of abuses have been conveniently put aside through diplomatic speeches & reiterations by the Secretary General that a few bad apples do not affect the whole foundation of the UN. But there seems no end to the scandals plaguing an institution boasting of transparency. The latest is an USD2billion renovation plan which has been questioned by former UN ambassador John Bolton. It is very unfortunate that the very ills that plague countries & Governments have etched into the UN - the world expected the UN to be different. Can the good name of the UN be restored? Your guess is as good as mine. After all, "No one will question your integrity if your integrity is not questionable." It is difficult to convince a man of something if his paycheck depends on his not understanding it. This more or less summarizes the plight of the world where the lack of will for betterment away from strife, wars, etc is purely because of the "paychecks' or remunerations that supersedes any desire for change.
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