

Statement of Feb.8 re Massacre of Civilians- An Open Letter to Rev. Bishop de Chickera

Ira de Silva London, Ontario, Canada

Rev. Bishop de Chickera,
Anglican Bishop
Colombo, Sri Lanka

Dear Rev. Sir:

February 8,2008 Statement in Asia News

I have just read a news item in Asia News headlined "Anglican Church: Both government and Tigers responsible for the massacre of civilians". While you attribute the bombings of civilians in buses and at the railway station to the LTTE it states that you are calling on the government to stop arial bombardments in the northern villages. Specifically it appears that you are concerned about two houses for children operated by your Church in Dharmapuram and Killinochi where your "little friends have nowhere to run except into their bunkers when the planes arrive".

It would like to bring to your attention the following:

Your little friends have not been bombed. Civilians have not being massacred by arial bombardments. Therefore that part of your statement is a lie. Further, as you say the children have bunkers to hide in. Where could the children of the D.S. Senanayake School have run to to escape being murdered by the LTTE? The victims of the bus bombing were going on a pilgrimage. They were bombed and then shot while trying to escape. Your "little friends" are much safer than these helpless people because the government does NOT bomb indiscriminately, a point which seems to have escaped you in your zeal to blame the government.

What is your answer to terrorism, protection of terrorists or elimination of terrorists? Other than bombing terrorist hideouts, do you expect the armed forces to march in and be themselves massacred? Since you have "influence" with the LTTE Christians, "influence" them and to stop terrorist activities, protect "your children" rather than recruit them as cannon fodder and not kill other children (who you do not seem to care equally about - very un-Christian of you).

You may earn some respect and act as a "Christian" leader if you had constructive criticism and do not lie. It would be beneficial to all if you suggest a plan to both parties to bring peace to Sri Lanka. Statements such as the one you have made merely re-enforces the perception in the country that the Christian Church is the propaganda arm of the LTTE. It does not give you sincerity or integrity.

Finally, as for remaining calm under provocation, your statement indicates to the non-LTTE population that you expect them to accept being killed by the LTTE and that the government should to let it happen. Do you not know that it is the duty of the government to protect it's citizens and that it should use all means at it's disposal to do so? Luckily for the non-LTTE population they do not have leaders such as you who are only concerned with one segment of the population.

Yours truly,

Ira de Silva
London, Ontario, Canada

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