

Clinton campaigners return funds raised by ex TRO organizer

by Sujeeva Nivunhella in London

The Clinton campaign team has returned the funds contributed by the American Tamils for Hillary Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee.

Sri Lankan Foreign Secretary Dr. Palitha Kohona who was in Washington on an official tour told Sunday Island that he was advised by Shapiro, senior adviser to Hillary Clinton, that the funds raised by Ram Rajan, former TRO organizer, for the Hillary campaign under the banner "American Tamils for Hillary" have been returned.

Dr. Kohona was invited by the conveners of the Annual Prayer breakfast,Senators John Enel and Ken Salazar whom he had met last year on a visit to Capitol Hill. There were over 160 countries represented at the Breakfast hosted by President Bush. Among them were the Prime Minister of Bosnia and the Vice President of Croatia. Most countries were represented by parliamentarians.

The Sri Lankan contingent included Ministers Susil Premajayantha and Anura Priyadarshana Yapa, Dr Jayalath Jayawardena and Mr and Mrs Zarook Marikkar. Large delegations were present from Germany, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and many African countries.

Dr Kohona further said that he received assurances from his interlocutors that the US willcontinue cooperating with Sri Lanka in its struggle with terrorism. "The presence of a large number of Senators and Congressmen at the breakfast meant that opportunities were created for valuable networking among US legislators", Kohona said.

Kohona also made use of the visit to make a series of calls at the State Department, Capitol Hill and the Pentagon. He met departing Assistant Secretary of State Nick Burns as well. Kohona acknowledged that these days foreign

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