

Sri Lanka - Abrogation of CFA

Ira de Silva London, Ontario, Canada

Dear Sir:

Re: Statement by Foreign Ministers of Nordic Countries

Reference the news item which states that the foreign ministers of the Nordic countries regretted the unilateral decision by the GOSL to abrogate the ceasefire, I would like to point out that the LTTE had already declared the CFA "defunct". The GOSL merely made it legal. What is regrettable is that these Nordic countries enabled terrorism because of their backing of the LTTE. Thousands of Sri Lankan lives were lost because of their support of the Tamil terrorists. I am copying an extract from the editorial of The Hindu newspaper of January 10,2008 which has a more realistic view of the ceasefire in Sri Lanka.

"By then (November 27,2007) the LTTE, which had outscored the Sri Lankan government nine to one (3086 to 345) in monitored ceasefire violations up to November 30, 2006, had declared the Ceasefire Agreement (CFA) “defunct.”

These Nordic Foreign Ministers, would like the world to believe that the Norwegian brokered CFA was a boon to Sri Lanka. It was in fact detrimental to Sri Lanka but a boost to the Tamil Tiger terrorists to strengthen their terrorist cadres through forced conscription including children, bring in continuous supplies of arms and ammunition with the financial, political, diplomatic and moral support of the Norwegians, particularly Mr. Eric Solheim and these Nordic countries who are now "regretting" the abrogation. A former leader of the LTTE (Tamil Tiger terrorists) publicly stated that Mr. Solheim was a supporter of the Tamil Tigers and went so far as to publicize instances of payments by the LTTE to Mr. Solheim.

These foreign ministers would have the world believe that they did Sri Lanka a favour. In fact, they supported the terrorism of the Tamil Tigers on the people of Sri Lanka and enabled the terrorists to murder, assassinate, terrorise at will, drive people out of their homes (ethnic cleansing) and in all these activities the Tamil terrorists had the active support of the Norwegians. The CFA itself was an LTTE document by A. Balasingham given to E. Solheim and inflicted on Sri Lanka through a weak prime minister without even the knowledge of the Sri Lankan president. It did not have the approval of Parliament or the people of Sri Lanka and was therefore invalid. The abrogation of this invalid document is a setback for terrorism in Sri Lanka and a platform for Sri Lanka to restore sovereignty to the people of Sri Lanka and enable the country in it's efforts to protect the people from Tamil terrorism.

The Nordic foreign ministers would like to believe that they saved lives because of the CFA. However, the facts disprove their claims as it was no restraint on the Tamil terrorists who merely used it to increase their killing sprees. Most of the deaths that took place after the CFA were because of the Tamil Tigers so it could be argued that the Nordic countries and Norway in particular enabled terrorism causing thousands of Sri Lankans to be killed, not saved.

Yours truly,

Ira de Silva
London, Ontario, Canada

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