

Nadesan, asylum in Norway or death in Wanni!

L Peiris UK

"The LTTE also expressed its readiness to implement the CFA 100% on its side" B Nadesan [TamilNet, Thursday, 10 January 2008]

The LTTE terrorists violated the CFA over 7000 times and now expresses it’s readiness to implement the CFA 100%. What stopped them implementing the CFA over the past five years? The GoSL, the government of a sovereign independent nation was very patient due to the unwarranted pressure brought on it by the international community due to the false propaganda provided by the LTTE terrorist supporting disapora abroad and INGO’s. But enough is enough.

"requested the GoSL to implement, on a humanitarian basis for the sake of the more than 400,000 people trapped in the open prison that is Jaffna, the just one clause in the CFA about the opening of the A9 highway. The GoSL rejected this humanitarian call and as a result the peace efforts again came to a stand still".B Nadesan [TamilNet, Thursday, 10 January 2008]

In which clause of the CFA is it mentioned that LTTE terrorists will man checkpoints on a main highway and levy taxes on the Sri Lankan public. A Sri Lankan can pay taxes only to the legitimate government through officially appointed officials not to a bunch of illiterate buffoons appointed by a maniac to gather funds for his personal coffers. If these buffoons were evicted as required the A9 would still be open. Nadesan it is you, and your buffoons who are responsible for trapping more than 400,000 Tamil people living and working in Jaffna. Think of the Tamil people you use as human shields, of the underage Tamil children you abduct and use as cannon fodder.

"the international community must understand this, and immediately remove the bans it has placed on the LTTE believing the false propaganda of the GoSL, accept the just aspirations of the Tamil people, and recognize the right of the Tamil people to live with self-determination in their homeland". B Nadesan [TamilNet, Thursday, 10 January 2008

The international community must understand the basic principle of democracy, is the will of the majority. 99% of a total population of 20 million Sri Lankans, are satisfied with the system of governance and the constitution of the country that safeguards the rights of all minorities. They must understand that Sri Lankans can never accept the myths of the LTTE claim for areas called "Tamil homelands" in Sri Lanka. Has Nadesan or any Tamil Sri Lankan been deprived of the right to aspire? 52% of the Tamil community live and work quite contently among the Sinhala and other communities in the South! However Sri Lankans will never allow a few disgruntled Tamil people fronted by suicide bombing murderous LTTE terrorists to divide the nation to satisfy the ‘Eelam’ dreams of the maniac despot and his honchos. Sri Lanka is the homeland of all Sri Lankans, Sinhala, Tamil, Muslim and other community people, who have the right to live and work, in freedom anywhere in Sri Lanka. If LTTE and their supporters are not satisfied they should pack up go and live with 60 million of their kith and kin in the Tamil homeland in India.

The intelligent, educated, illustrious Sri Lankan, the late Lakshman Kadirgammar [Tamil origin] in his address to the parliamentary debate on the CFA pointed out the flaws of this defunct agreement. However a person of your calibre with intelligence to believe that the sun rises from the backside of a murderous despot will have to get someone to explain what CFA means.

"The LTTE did not take any decision to withdraw from the CFA agreement even when the GoSL assassinated the leader of the LTTE peace delegation, S P Tamilselvan, in November 2007". B Nadesan [TamilNet, Thursday, 10 January 2008] To you S P Tamilselvan, maybe a leader, but to Sri Lankans he is just another terrorist and it was good riddance of bad rubbish. LTTE terrorists like you must stop the rhetoric, lay down their weapons and surrender before they are exterminated. Make sure ‘Saundra’ & ‘Rayappu’ are close at hand to give you the last rites before munching the cyanide capsule.

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