


Shripal Nishshanka (Middle Bond)

Senator Hilary Clinton while engaging in a fierce battle with other opponents to get nominated for the presidential election from the Democratic Party in the USA proved herself to be an excellent leader who reads and listens and corrects herself from the mistakes.

Sri Lanka has a great gratitude from the bottom of her heart to Hilary's recent decision of returning the funds collected for her election bid by the Sri Lankan Tamil terrorists back to them. It is a big blow and a sharp slap to all the terrorists in the world. President Bill Clinton made his position clear by proscribing the Sri Lankan Tamil terrorists and bravely sending two frigates to help the Sri Lankan forces in early 2000 just upon an innocent and humble request by few Sri Lankan expatriates living in the USA.

No doubt that If elected, President Hilary Clinton too would be a great president to the USA and an exemplary leader to the whole world.

The terrorists are terrorists and there is no any good terrorist among them. Who ever get arms against a democratically elected country shall be taken care of immediately then and there. Delaying such action can spread terrorism faster than a tumor thus infecting the whole world. Late President JRJ bears the responsibility of not taking efficient action required to tame the terrorism at its initial stage. September 11 attack is also directly connected to Sri Lankan Tamil terrorists. Failed coup in Maldives, assassination of Rajeev Gandhi, Ranasinghe Premadasa and thousands of other innocent people including Tamils are among the victims of the barbarian Wanni Terrorists.

Mr. Obama is yet to learn a lot and correct himself from what he said to justify the terrorism in Sri Lanka.

Mr. Obama, the problem in Sri Lanka is not that the minorities are ill-treated by the majorities. But some ruthless and murderous gang have taken arms to slaughter people and fight government forces. In fact in Sri Lanka the majorities were ill treated by the minorities.

Present Sri Lankan government is fighting many wars. One is with the most brutal terrorist organization in the world and the others are with some dirty traitors and organizations which are planned and funded locally and internationally.

As the final victory is approaching by the government forces eradicating the terrorism from the surface of Sri Lanka, Ranil Wickckramasinghe and his clan and other handful of traitors shall have no place anywhere to survive.

The whole world shall help Sri Lankan government and the forces to eradicate the terrorism form Sri Lanka in all possible ways.

May the final peace to Sri Lanka be achieved within a few weeks!
May the whole world enjoy the Peace!

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