

Navy sailor averts terror bloodbath in Anuradhapura

Sri Lanka News

A Sri Lanka Navy Petty Officer while on leave has averted a bloodbath attempted by LTTE terrorists in the Anuradhapura town by defusing a bomb weighing 1.5kg this forenoon (February 10). The bomb has been located in the weekend fair in the Anuradhapura town around 11.15 a.m.

According to the defence sources in the area, civilians shopping at the fair have detected a suspicious plastic can that is used to store engine oil placed near a fruit stall. The Petty Officer who has been alerted by the disturbance has volunteered to check the suspicious can, after make arrangements to inform the relevant authorities.

Having identified that the can was a time bomb, the Petty Officer has informed the public to vacate the place immediately and engaged himself in diffusing the bomb, the sources added.
The bomb has been made out of C-4 high explosives and large number of iron balls. Using his training, the Petty Officer has disconnected the timer from the detonator before the bomb disposal teams arrive, sources said.

It has been also reported that the Petty Officer was also engaged in shopping along with his wife at the time of the detection.

Defence observers call the incident an exemplary event that shows the highest standards of professionalism and the degree of commitment maintained by the Sri Lanka Security Forces' members. It also gives a straightforward answer to those who attempt look down upon the soldiers' sacrifices.

The Petty Officer without having any obligation to defuse the bomb has voluntarily risked his life to save the lives of hundreds of others. The weekend fair in the Anuradhapura town is an event that draws several thousand people on Sundays.

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