

Barak Obama - Caroline Kennedy Ticket

Prof. Hudson McLean

The most certain way for Barak Obama to move forward successfully is to publish his running mate!

With Hillary Clinton supported by the iconic Bill Clinton, Obama will still have a tough test in front.

The Kennedy family has put their best forward led by the lothario Senator Edward Kennedy, his son and his niece Caroline.

Obama can not do any better than to invite Caroline Kennedy to run as his Vice President. This will bring forth "the white and the woman" into his fold in one fell swoop. The magical Kennedy name and the daughter of the late John F. Kennedy will run rings round the Republicans.

How will this affect the poor Sri Lankan status? Neither the Republicans not the Democrats give two hoots about the Sri Lankan problem. Therefore the winners do not matter to the Island Nation.

However, Hilly-Billy Clintons have received and accepted funds from the terrorist organization LTTE front men. Several of the LTTE front men hold American citizenship. Therefore amongst the Democrats, I would not support Hilly-Billy Clintons.

Lets keep our fingers crossed and hope that Barack Obama goes the mile, and invite Caroline Kennedy to be his running mate. Of course, the son of Edward shall also receive a key government position, showing his gratitude to Ted of Chappaquiddick. There is no such thing as a "free lunch"!

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