

Looking after the injured soldiers

Shenali Waduge

As the present military drive gains momentum we need to prepare for a rise in the number of fatalities & injuries. Most of the injured are likely to be sent to the main hospitals geared to treat them.

We should not forget that most of our soldiers come from poor homes. Most of these families are unlikely to even have the money to pay for the journey to visit their sons/husbands lying in pain in hospital, probably victims to landmines and similar atrocities that the LTTE are responsible for. Most of these families who may even make the journey will obviously not have a place to even spend a night & no money to even rent a room or pay for the food.

They should not have to suffer further heartbreak. It is considering this unfortunate situation that I propose that immediate arrangements be made for temples in & around Colombo & other areas where the injured soldiers are likely to be hospitalized cater to providing shelter to these poor folk. The dayakas, I am sure would come forward to provide the meals.

We need to at this juncture show our gratitude for these valiant men & women who make up our armed forces & police, the people who sacrifice their lives to keep us safe & protect our country.

In these last stages of a war that has taken over 25 years, we all need to rise to the occasion.

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