


By Rangajeeva Rajakaruna

The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) front, White Pigeon organized “Mega Star “ event became a heavy disappointment for the the organization when only 2000 instead of the expected 10,000 converged to London’s Alexandra Palace where the Thai Pongal festival was held.
At the last moment organizers were trying to sell high prized tickets for 10 pounds to fill the rows and rows of empty seats that was not very common during the “glorious” days of the LTTE in London.

The hall was filled to the brim when the LTTE hired the expensive meeting place last time to hold the funeral of the late Anton Balasingham many months ago.

“Many did not want to go for the show when they heard that many South Indian stars have decided not to attend the show because of its LTTE ties,” said a Sri Lankan Tamil resident of Kingsbury describing the poor attendance of the well advertised event by pro-LTTE Television and newspapers in London . Huge color posters with the photos of the stars were put up in Tamil shops in London but many failed to appear at the show. Photos of 11 stars appeared in the advertising posters.

Attendees said that only five artists appeared at the show.

All who carried cameras were prevented from entering the audience hall and the one hired by this correspondent could not take the interesting news photos of the largest number of empty seats in a recent event.

The three and one half hour of the event had to be cut down to two hours due to many artists cancelling their trips to London.

Even a VVIP daughter’s connection in Chennai failed to encourage all intended stars to make it a success, insiders said.

Many South Indian stars were discouraged of traveling to London after big publicity was given to the LTTE connection to the show in the Indian press, organizers complained. No doubt, the FBI’s announcement not to donate to bogus charities of the LTTE on the eve of the show helped dissuade many from going to the show, observers said.

Observers in Paris said, similar reasons would be effective , when they want to hold the second and third mega star events on January 13.

Unlike the London show, the Paris shows have been organized by the Tamil Rehabilitation Organization (TRO), the predecessor to the White Pigeon, that had been banned in the United States and United Kingdom as front organization. But , the TRO is not banned in France.
The Sri Lankan government has requested the French government to ban the TRO in France.

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