

AI bias and deception exposed again-Open letter to AI

Ben Silva UK

14 - 02 -08
Open letter to AI

AI International,

Dear Sir,
AI bias and deception exposed again

AI never cease to be anti GoSL and pro LTTE. I am referring to the statement by AI referred to in the BBC article with the Title
Security situation worsening - AI ref:

Careful analysis of the statement would reveal that, AI does not blame the LTTE, who are their darlings, alone, but wish to drag GoSL and blame them as well. AI also fail to state that the security situation is worsening, because of terrorism, again appearing to be protecting the terrorists and misleading the world.

There is reference in the article, to an alleged claymore mine attack on a bus in Mannar District on January 29 which allegedly killed 11 schoolchildren.. AI says 'Both sides blamed each other for the attack.' Soon afterward AI says in a typical AI fashion 'Both the Sri Lanka government and the LTTE are failing to comply with their obligations' without giving any evidence that GoSL is not complying with the obligations. The manner in which the statements were made, it implied that GoSL carried out the claymore mine attack.

I read the article many times and also cross checked with a friend to see if there is any evidence against Sri Lanka. I did not find any evidence against Sri Lanka., but only found allegations.
AI is assuming, as it has done in the past, that allegations by LTTE against the GoSL are true. There is no evidence against GoSL, yet GoSL is blamed, as has been done in the past. This malicious habit of AI, HRW and UN to blame the victim of terrorism and do nothing against the perpetrator of the crime has implications and reasons that would be discussed further. This fraudulent manner of making statements by AI , misleading the audience is a typical way, when there is no verifiable evidence, AI, HRW and UN mislead the public and other interested parties.

There was not a single shred of evidence that even the event took place. LTTE is even known to fake photographs. LTTE usually make this sort of allegation before a major attack on civilians. In deed after the allegation, LTTE carried out attacks on civilians, killing many.

Let us look into the allegations referred to in the article given above and investigate the motives. There is no motivation for GoSL to attack its own citizens, killing children. Security forces know that such an attack would bring bad publicity and bring Sri Lanka into disrepute. There is no motivation, whatsoever for security forces to attack a bus full of children. On the other hand, there is motivation for LTTE to make false allegations, before an attack on civilians. In deed as the events unfolded, LTTE did attack civilians with many deaths.

The 12 killed during the LTTE attack on 7 - 2 -08 included the coach Malinda Arumadura(25) of Matara, and seven students of the D.S.Senanayake School . AI, HRW and UN fail to recognise that LTTE is not a liberation movement but a racist, Tamil empire building movement, as majority of the Tamils live in Sinhala areas. Further if LTTE is allowed to win, they are so racist that, in the long run, the Sinhalese may end up being gassed, like Hitler did to eliminate Jews, as LTTE would want to expand its territory. Not only Sri Lanka will be set on fire, neighbouring India will also be engulfed in ethnic wars, creating instability and setting fire to the whole Indian sub continent.

Many wonder if this is what, LTTE supporting neo colonialists want. In the modern world, racism by any one should not be acceptable. Minority groups such as the Sinhalese need to be protected from being wiped out by the vastly numerically superior Tamils. For many centuries, the Sinhalese have been ethnically cleansed and their lively hood destroyed by invading Tamil war lords from South India. For a long time LTTE have been playing the 'repressed ' record to gain bogus refugee status in Western countries and have deceived Western Countries hook, line and sinker.

There are number of failures of AI, HRW and UN. These include the failure to recognise that:

1. LTTE is engaged in a well coordinated, meticulously planned disinformation campaign against Sri Lanka. They even tried to buy off Hilary Clinton. They have attempted to bribe FBI officials. It is generally thought that some Tamil Nadu politicians and media are in the pay of LTTE. Press reports indicate that a number of USA law makers received LTTE funds. They have also obtained the support of UK politicians such as Mr Vaz and Mr Hughes. Mr Vaz of course well known for sleaze and Mr Hughes for bullshitting.

2. Well planned Psychological warfare operations against Sri Lanka.

3. LTTE is a racist empire building movement as opposed to a liberation movement.

It would appear in general, that AI and HRW issue misleading statement through self interest. They want to create publicity and generate income. If they were genuinely interested in Human rights, they would campaign to stop LTTE funding. I have seen no attempt by AI or HRW attempt to stop LTTE fund flow.

One has to watch the conduct of Ms Coomaraswamy's conduct in UN, to determine if she is pulling strings for LTTE, behind the scenes, as she has Tamil tribalism written all over her face.

Only LTTE or racist, neo colonialists such as AI or HRW, who are known as LTTE sympathisers and HR jokers would have the mentality to carry out such a barbaric attack. LTTE use physical violence against Sri Lanka, but AI, and HRW gang up against Sri Lanka and use their friends and contacts such as Ms Arbour or Ms Coomaraswamy in UN to damage Sri Lanka.'s image and reputation.

It appears that AI ,HRW and certain UN officials hove no moral conscious, allow themselves to be deceived by LTTE propaganda, and prefer the deadly group LTTE to carry on killing innocent women and children. Many Sri Lankans are most disturbed by the conduct of AI, HRW and some UN officials, as they have done nothing useful such as campaigning to stop the flow of funding to LTTE. All they have done so far is to hinder GoSL action to eliminate terrorism, giving the impression that they are pro LTTE. Many suspect that AI, HRW and some officials of UN are in the pay of LTTE, from the manner in which they are silent on LTTE atrocities and very vocal against GoSL.

Many times it has been shown that AI and HRW are not capable of distinguishing between the aggressor and the victim. Most probably due to the racist and neo-colonial attitude of AI and HRW. I wonder if such racists are hell bent on destabilising Sri Lanka, that they want to hinder the action of GoSL to eliminate terrorism. In deed if AI and HRW and any genuine feelings about Human rights, they would have worked towards stopping the funding to LTTE. They did no such thing, but simply hound GoSL, giving the impression that the want LTTE to carry on.

To me AI and HRW appear to be clueless on HR matters and many feel that they are tools of LTTE. AI appears to be so naive that they do not recognise LTTE as one of the most cunning, ruthless terrorist organisations in the world, who are masters at deception. Not only AI are naive, they are so incompetent that they fail to recognise that the mission of LTTE is to create a racist Tamil empire by carving out a piece of Sri Lanka. They however compensate for their stupidity with racist, neo-colonialist arrogance. AI, HRW and UN appear to take turns in bullying Sri Lanka or they gang up to bully Sri Lanka. World leaders from developing countries need to be informed of the neo colonial attitude of AI, HRW and certain officials of UN.

Another thing that is clear, is all three of them parrot each others reports, in a circular manner, which really is LTTE propaganda. The constant hounding of Sri Lanka, by these organisations indicate their racist, revenge seeking nature and that they are unfit to be in the HR arena. AI and HRW also have a Tamil, Ms Coomaraswamy, possibly a racist, with Tamil tribal marks written all over her face, pulling strings for LTTE, behind the scene. One has to keep an eye on Ms Coomaraswamy, a Tamil, to see if she is is carrying out disinformation against Sri Lanka, for LTTE.

Their reports are produced to deceive readers and give an anti GoSL image, when the real culprit is LTTE.

By now, AI and HRW should have learnt the fraudulent ways of LTTE. Failure of these organisations to recognise the true nature of LTTE, make many doubt their competence. AI, HRW and UN should have realised by now, that LTTE is a highly sophisticated, professionally organised criminal organisation, that will resort to all known deception methods known to mankind.

There is mounting evidence that AI is a terrorist sympathising, bogus Human rights organisation. I wish to remind the world that AI, HRW and the UN did absolutely nothing when LTTE chased out 27,000 Sinhalese between 1971 and 1981 through intimidation, terrorizing and killing from the Jaffna peninsula, where they lived. In addition AI, HRW and UN did nothing when Muslims were ethnically cleansed. and ordered to leave their home in 24 hours. But they appear to conduct themselves in a typical racist, neo colonialist manner, when GoSL attempt to do its legitimate duties. Indeed if UN, AI or HRW were genuinely interested in human rights, they would have taken effective practical measures to stop terrorist fund raising and arms procurement, which they have not done. This would have been the most humane way of stopping terrorism, as without funding, LTTE would have fizzled out. The fact that these organisations did not take the action mentioned indicate that the above mentioned groups are incompetent or not genuinely interested in human rights. The majority of the human right abuses are conducted by the LTTE terrorists.. Do I need to mention the HR record in Iraq, Abu Ghraib and Afghanistan etc. ?

Press reports indicate that LTTE funds have gone to the campaign funds of Hilary Clinton, and to USA law makers. Press reports also indicate LTTE attempts to bribe FBI officials. All these show, LTTE 's professional and methodical approach to disinformation and propaganda warfare. It frightens me to think that LTTE money may have gone into the pockets of AI, HRW and UN officials. Why else would they oppose GoSL attempt to eliminate terrorism ? Why else are they silent on ruthless killing of civilians and children by LTTE?

AI, HRW and UN should recognise that GoSL is attempting to bring the perpetrators to justice, without killing over 100000 civilians as happened in Iraq. The groups that are hindering the process of bringing the perpetrators to justice are AI, HRW and some officials in UN. It could be that the power of LTTE, the wealth of LTTE and the propaganda and disinformation campaign of LTTE is blinding them, and they are unable to distinguish between the truth and the propaganda of LTTE. When LTTE is on a killing spree, killing innocent women and children and when LTTE gets unhindered funding from the West, many think the human right jokers are having a laugh at the expense of defenceless victims. The poor victims of terrorism are finding it difficult to get basic things needed for day to day living. It is indeed the West that should be made responsible for the death and destruction in Sri Lanka, and made to compensate the victims of terrorism funded by the West. HR groups, if they are interested in Human rights should see how they can help the victims of terrorism, rather than finding innovative ways to help terrorists.

I do not know how the neo-colonialist racists, with their hands still dripping with the blood from native Canadians, Iraqis, Afghans Vietnamese have the nerve to talk about human rights. The so called Human rights activists have done nothing other than being responsible for the destabilisation of Sri Lanka, by hindering GoSl efforts to eliminate terrorism.

Unfortunately, we live in the world of bogus human rights activists such as AI, HRW and UN where nothing is done against the criminal, but the victim is punished`.

.There is growing evidence that LTTE money has even funded USA lawmakers. Who could say that LTTE money has not gone into the hands of bogus Human rights activists.

Due to the biased nature of AI and HRW reports, AI and HRW reports are not worth the piece of paper the reports are written on.

It is time for Sri Lanka to think of self reliance in defence to fend off neo colonial racists and provide military training to young volunteers. Further Sri Lanka need to consider deporting officials from any organisation that damage the reputation and heritage of Sri Lanka and carry out activities to destabilise Sri Lanka.

Yours sincerely,
Ben Silva


2. US lawmakers - Tiger lobby links exposed
3. Ethnic Cleansing by LTTE
5. Al Quaeda and LTTE link

6. War in Sri Lanka is the Legacy left by the European Colonialism - Dr.Peter Leitner

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