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Speculative News Item With Mostly Wishful Thinking By Indian Journalist Put Into Perspective.
Insight By Sunil Kumar For LankaWeb
June13th 2008 The Indian newsmedia courtesy of the ubiquitous PK Balachandran, sometimes staff writer -Hindustan Times who occassionally dabbles in pro LTTE (Tamil Tiger Jargon) and surfaces with his jack in the box like capacity in Sri lankan defence matters in a most authoritative albeit contentious manner and seems to switch his sympathies as well as alliances in a manner clever enough to deceive the gullible as opposed to the more discerning according to some observers, now suggests in his item " Lankan Army Threatening To Catch Terrorist Chief " almost scornfully that " The Sri Lankan Army now wants to do what the Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) could not do 20 years ago, namely, storm the LTTEs nerve centre in the Mullaitivu jungles in north-eastern Sri Lanka, and neutralize the rebel chieftain, Velupillai Prabhakaran." where he needs to be disillussioned that his euphemisms are somewhat out of whack! What this rhetoric is in aid of is unclear except that it seems to harp on an age old theme going back to a time when the LTTE held sway as terrorists and their insurgent rampages on the Government and people of Sri Lanka and public property were rife to the point where it seemed to be on the verge of reaching disastrous proportions aided by the financial help they were getting from their friends overseas( pro LTTE sympathisers obviously) and the Pro LTTE sympathetic sections of the International Community particularly the likes of Norway and Canada who swallowed the concoctions of innuendo spewed globally through their illegal voice engines to which the likes of Mr Balachandran have also contributed (whether inadvertently or not) on more than one occassion and is far removed from the situation in Sri Lanka today! The world today, thanks mainly to the concerted efforts of the present Administration led by President Mahinda Rajapaksha and his assertive team of administrators and legislators in recent times has been made more aware of the realities within Sri lanka notwithstanding all the contradictions and false presentations of the disgruntled political opponents of the present Administration and the NGO's who prowl the Nation under the guise of Government approved legitimacy which has amounted to little by comparison with how the Rajapaksha Administration has swayed world opinion sufficiently towards discrediting the LTTE terrorists regardless of the Foreign lobbies from sources such as the UN and the EU as the truth seems to have prevailed. The theme of ridding the world of Global terrorism has prevailed sufficiently in Sri Lanka's favour despite the efforts of the Human Rights Watchdogs, biased international operations in a like manner to the once dreaded CIA which infiltrated many parts of the world more aligned to a previous regime and the various foreign agencies permitted into Sri Lanka undercover of their own surreptitious means veiled in a mantle of empathy towards the Nation although realistically wolves in sheeps clothing steeped in opportunistic ventures who have failed to convince those that matter that Sri Lanka is on the right track towards peace, posterity and development through the elimination of the scourge of terrorism which has been the Fait Accompli of the present Administration! While synonymously exercising his constitutional right as Commander In Chief of the Armed Forces, a powervul ensemble of well equipped and well led Military Might at this point in time the President has stood firm about his convictions that the terrorists need to be defeated first before any negotiations towards restitution for the Tamil people and together with his powerful military leaders is just about eliminating the LTTE terror group and destroying their objectives to the point of having nowhere to run and it seems pathetic that the cacaphonous litanies of the likes of PK Balachandran to the contrary still continue which seem to be intended towards sustain their ill conceived expectations for their future which to all intents and purposes the world must be made to understand are dwindling to the point of oblivion which is the goal being targetted by the present Adminstration as at the end of it all history will record that the LTTE were a nation destructive bunch of worthless terrorists with no agenda and too unrelenting to want to come clean towards the well being of Sri Lanka, put down for their sheer mendacity and a meaningless existence which neither benefitted Sri Lanka nor the Tamil community which they falsely claim to represent and whose transparencies most of the discerning world have now come to accept as pretentious, meaningless and hardly worth supporting. It is public knowledge now that Army Commander Lt. Gen. Sarath Fonseka has proclaimed to the Nation that four strike force divisions and a special task force were poised to storm the defenses of the LTTE in Mullaitivu; and that Prabhakarans HQ code-named Base One Four was just 21 km away which perhaps is the motivation for a sense of desperate urgency in the Balachandran bulletin on speculation and needs to be put into perspective if this be the case! The Army commander has further assured the Nation of Sri lanka that "before long, Prabhakaran would be captured alive! The idea of going straight for Prabhakaran is based on the belief that if the LTTE is decapitated, it will collapse like a house of cards. the LTTE was being attacked simultaneously from four corners and that the thinly stretched rebels were suffering an unacceptable level of attrition. Their losses cannot be recompensed, because of a land and naval blockade" he contended and knowing his capacity for carrying out his agendas to the minutest detail it seems very plausible that he is capable directing all his strategies with a clinical measure of accuracy and success to eliminate the LTTE which now seems to be a mere matter of time! While according Military Analysts the Sri Lankan Forces are initiating
measures in collaboration with the Indian Government to secure the coastline
to deny the Tigers reinforcements and that every existing source of
their once destructive organization will be completely demolished it
seems a bitter pill for pro LTTE sources to swallow and indicative in
the tone of the Balachandran article also, if one were to read between
the lines which suggests that " the LTTE is equally confident of
scattering the Army, as indeed it did during Operation Victory
Assured in 1999 and Unceasing Waves III in 2000 quoting
The LTTEs ideological commissar, C. Ezhilan, that the IPKF came
determined to get Prabhakaran, but couldnt get anywhere near him.
Sri Lankas battle-hardened Army today undoubtedly is only too well aware of the dangers of stepping into the intricately and heavily defended Mullaitivu jungles. It is also true that since the confrontation with the IPKF in 1988, the LTTE has turned this area into a killing field through a network of booby traps and minefields which neither the GOSL or its Armed Forces are incapacitated to deal with as every minefield and booby trap will be secured prior to the advancing Armed Forces unlike the self destructive manouvres of the archeival and virtually blindfolded Indian Peace Keeping Force of the past the (IPKF ) which lost a whole battalion when it tried to storm the area and drawn analogy to by the Balachandran item where it has been carefully unmentioned that the IPKF neither new terrain nor have any viable strategy other than barnstorming tactics which made them open targets to be picked off by the Tiger terrorists of old who knew the territory well who are in fact the targets being picked off by the relentless Sri Lankan Armed forces ironically for them today who know the territory even better and no denying their effectivity towards the task of decimating them consequently, especially with retreating derrieres pointing to an advancing Army!
All their wretched and mostly failed efforts realistically have not secured for them what they have anticipated. There are glaring statistics to prove this as they have been overwhelmed by the true state of the art equipment, appropriate military logistics and an attack force which has dispersed the LTTE at times in the manner of scurrying rats in the wake of an advancing cat to seek shelter and run for their worthless lives which needs to be emphasized in case Mr Balachandran is making another of his many attempts as in the past to sound like a champion of the LTTE!! While it may be plausible that (as included in the Balachandran item)"according to the Jaffna army commander, Maj. Gen. Chandrasiri, the LTTE is planning an amphibian assault on Jaffna on June 19 or 20. and that the aim of this could well be to divert the attention of the Sri Lankan Army and weaken its Mullaitivu front." which even if true, would not be something beyond the capacity of the Armed Forces to withstand and eventually crush. Along with everything else the LTTE are capable of given their track
record it is a possibility and very much in keeping with LTTE terror
tactics which has neither been overlooked nor one to be caught unawares
over but with their restricted finances, limited resources in every
aspect including a depleted head count as well as unreplenished equipment,
dwindling finances and low morale within their terrorist enclaves, a
ploy which would merely hasten their demise which many of their supportives
including the writer under reference seems to have overlooked or perhaps
is ignorant about being so steeped in his own speculative conclusions. |
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