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Sri Lanka can defeat TigersRobert Brown London, UK LE5 0QFDear Bryson Hull, Thank you for the article on Reuters titled Sri Lanka can defeat Tigers, top ex-rebel says, on Thu Nov 13, 2008. We always welcome fair reporting that does not cater to LTTE propaganda. URL: http://in.reuters.com/article/southAsiaNews/idINIndia-36488720081113 The present military operations in the North of Sri Lanka are absolutely justified. They will do away with the LTTE terrorists and bring lasting peace to the Tamils and the entire nation. There are plenty of paid terror supporters in Tamil Nadu, India, Canada, US, Norway, UK and Australia. Not only do we need to work relentlessly to eliminate terror, we also need to educate the population in these countries to prevent them from falling prey into bogus humanitarian organizations. There have been no civilian deaths during the military offensive against Tamil Terrorists. Therefore there is NO cause for any concern! What you see is Tamil Terrorists are making the politicians in Tamil Nadu, UK and Australia create noise to stop the liberation of LTTE/terror-held areas. This is nothing but another stunt by Tamil Terrorists to turn the tables in their favor. It has nothing to do with civilian deaths. If Tamil Nadu and India were really concerned about civilians, why not stop arms smuggling to and supporting the LTTE that has killed so many civilians? Why not move to eliminate the Tamil Terrorists, for the sake of civilians? What about concern for the innocent civilians killed by LTTE suicide bombings? What about concern for so many children recruited as soldiers to fight a brutal terror war against a democracy? We don't ever here politicians in India or Tamil Nadu, Canada, US, Norway, UK and Australia alarmed by those atrocities. Where are their actions to stop this carnage by eliminating the source of all evil, the LTTE? Hope you can see the crocodile tears. We send our kids to college to become good citizens. We expect every immigrant to become a law-abiding and contributing member of our society. But then you read about these Tamil extremists and how they use the wealth in our countries to commit unspeakable crimes, including fraud and mass murder of innocent civilians. On top of all that, they emailed this news article on how a twisted attorney Bruce Fein of Lichfield Group was hired by Tamil Tigers in the US to spread false propaganda, racism and hate, and legitimize their terror campaign. I read his misleading and totally false article in the Washington Times and I could not stop laughing. It is obvious that Bruce Fein is totally oblivious to who his terror clients are. He was willing to take their narco-dollars, digest all the false information they were feeding him, and spread them to the media. Sadly, a college education with Harvard Law did nothing for such attorneys! The Washington Times violated the essence of your profession by publishing such racist terror-propaganda. With all this support for terrorists and their criminal enterprises in the West, can you imagine the kind of world we will leave behind for our children? Once again, thank you for your insightful reporting. Sincerely, Robert Brown
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