

Pillaiyan should be the catalyst, to bring back the mislead terrorists into the democratic fold.

By Charles.S.Perera

What is at stake in the East is to prove that terrorism doesn't pay, and it is only through democratic means that political rights could be won. For that all those who believe in democracy should be ready to make every sacrifice to pass the message to the terrorists,that those who give up terrorism and turn to democracy are respected and accepted by the people without discriminating them for their past errors.

Therefore the Muslim politicians should use their intelligence to understand the importance of giving the office of the Chief Minister of the Eastern PC to Pillaiyan. It is not deliberately leaving aside the Muslim Community in the East, in favour of the Tamil Community. The importance of an election in the East, after an interval of twenty years, is the fact that it has been delivered from the hands of a ruthless band of terrorists, and to prove that terrorism has no place in a democratic society.

Therefore, making the man who turned away from terrorism believing in democracy the Chief Minister, guaranties the bona fides of the government' s promise to forget the past, and provide equal rights to the terrorists if they would lay down their arms, and fall in line with the democratic system.

Pillaiyan is a person who is risking his life, living under the terrorist threat. He has believed in democracy in turning away from terrorism. He has accepted to follow the democratic political system. Therefore, it is the responsibility of all peace loving people to give him what is due to him. Time has come for Sri Lanka to move towards unity without communal distinction. Therefore, the Muslim politicians should not make an issue of their Communal importance in the East, to deman the post of the Chief Minister of the EPC.

It is not correct for the Muslim politicians to threaten to leave their Ministerial posts in the event of the post of the Chief Minister of the EPC is offered to Pillaiyan. This is the sort of mean tactics that is resorted to by Rauf Hakeem, to get what he wants. The Muslim Politicians should avoid being mean in this instance, and show more responsibility by accept Pillaiyan into their political midst. That would be a strong link of unity between the Tamils and Muslims in the East.

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