

Dear Editor,
I'd like to comment on two pieces I read in your esteemed journal today:

First, the appointment of a commission to probe the heinous act of the terrorists, namely the massacreof 501 unarmed policemen who surrendered to them on the orders of the infamous Ranil government.
It made me very happy because those innocent men-brave and loyal to the last to their country and to the government-are finally being taken into account. This would certainly bring some comfort to the loved ones of these brave and courageous men, whose only fault was that they trusted their government, and the terrorists, who had the government in their pockets. It is small consolation to the loved ones of those courageous men, but they will also be happy that those 501 noble lives were not lost in vain. Those lives, sacrificed by loyal and trusting soldiers, will go to further confirm the duplicity of the government of the time and the cruel disposition of a most ruthless terrorist organization, who have never respected the traditional rules of war.

Secondly, the recent comments of people like Jehan Perera and Ranil W. These are people who have their own agendas, and will do exactly what the terrorists do to garble the truth, and deny justice just to suit their own motives. Jehan P., we know is a spokesman for the terrorists, and Ranil wants to be back in executive government - GOD FORBID!! The government in power must do what it has to do-to carry on the good fight until the terrorists and their cohorts are defeated.

Power and blessings to our noble armed forces and police. Let not the 501, and the many others who have laid down their lives be forgotten.

Henry J.


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