

Louise Arbour - CFA

Asoka Weerasinghe
(a concerned SriLankan-Canadian)
Kings Grove Crescent . Gloucester . Ontario . Canada

January 16, 2008

Madame Louise Arbour
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
New York, US

Dear Madame Arbour:

You have obviously decided to change gears to the “Bully” mode with your impetuous statement on the sovereign state of Sri Lanka withdrawing from the Ceasefire Agreement (CFA) signed in February 2002 with, the non-state terrorists’ organization, the Tamil Tigers (aka Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam). Being a Sri Lankan-Canadian, I am not only disappointed I am also miffed.

What you have failed to tell the Sri Lankans and their law makers is how you have come to the conclusion that the CFA bore any value at all, when it had been violated by the Tamil Tigers over 7,000 times compared to the Sri Lanka armed forces violations of just over 200 times. And 90 percent of these were human rights violations by the Tamil Tigers, of unlawful killings with impunity of unarmed civilians, arbitrary detention, torture, and abduction and recruitment of children for its Baby Brigade to be trained as Black Tiger suicide bombers.

Madame, it beats me to know that you still want this CFA to continue which died in 2005 for all intent and purposes, thus providing a window of opportunity for human rights violations for the Tamil Tigers. This makes me suspicious of your concerns and as to whether you are on the side of the FBI’s dammed “one of the most dangerous extremist organizations in the world,” Tamil Tiger terrorists. I most definitely smell a nasty rat here.

When UNESCO and UNICEF have failed miserably and could do sweet nothing to rein in the Tamil Tigers to stop human rights violations, who thumbed their noses at you lot, and let you all dance your hosannas at their feet to the tom-tom beats of exploding Claymore mines and hand grenades at every meeting at their headquarters in Kilinochchi, I suppose you have now adapted the adage, if you can’t beat them, let’s join them. And hence the veiled threats at the Sri Lankan government, and wanting the CFA to continue, so that the Tamil Tigers could go on recruiting child soldiers, smuggle in ship loads of sophisticated armoury, build air strips, bring in containers with dismantled planes and helicopters which would be exempt from Custom checks, let the Norwegian government bring in sophisticated communication systems as diplomatic cargo, and permit the Tamil Diaspora stuff its war chest with American and Canadian dollars, sterling pounds, kroners and euros. Madame your intentions are suspect. And little wonder why the current Australian and American administrations have made no secret of their disdain for the UN, and for your Canada to vote against the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Your impetuous and hypocritical statement against the Sri Lankan government certainly weakened your position as the Head of OHCHR, and has shown that your staff is unqualified and inept to monitor Human Rights in Sri Lanka. As for the United Nations which celebrated its 59^th anniversary a few months ago, and its Charter which was established with the spirit of co-operation and mutual respect for all nations and peoples of the world, you all have embarrassed this institution, and more so having taken the arrogant “Bully” model against Sri Lanka.

I am “miffed” as you seem to be another copy-cat model of the weak-kneed Canadian politicians who want to cut and run from Kandahar because the 77^th Canadian soldier was killed in Southern Afghanistan, thus giving in to the Taliban terrorists. Your office is guilty for not going after the Karzai government for human rights violations or after the Talibanis with the same arrogant vigour that you have adapted to rap the knuckles of the Sri Lankan Government. How so, Madame Arbour?

Speak to Afghan President Hamid Karzai and he will protest the silly attitude of your office and its mandate, as he would rightly point out that wiping out terrorists trumps human rights violations in the process of their elimination, and that events of September 11 serve us well in reminding you all that not fighting terrorism head on can have disastrous consequences for Afghanistan, the region and the world at large, and that applies to Sri Lanka too.

Before I conclude this letter to you, let me provide you some reasons why the Mahinda Rajapaksa government is clearly on the right track when wanting to wipe out Tamil Tiger terrorists in their little nation, and that you UN types should keep your noses out of their theatre of action;

- because no crime without punishment is a sacred principle of international law;

- where known perpetrators of crimes cannot be punished through normal judicial remedy like extradition and prosecution, the criminals have to be punished extra-judicially, and assassination (killing) may be the least injurious form of such punishment;

- the right of self defence as codified in article 51 of the UN Charter and customary right of anticipatory and preemptive attack could include assassination (killing) as a distinct law enforcing measure.
Justification sought in such assassinations (killings) must have the two essential invariants that they must be terrorists (Tamil Tigers) and their crimes cannot be remedied through normal judicial process (even INTERPOL has difficulty to catch the chief Tamil Tiger Prabhakaran by his tail).

You certainly have a choice Madame Arbour. You can either help Mahinda Rajapaksa’s government to wipe out Tamil Tiger terrorism which has hemorrhaged that pretty island nation for 25 long years by keeping your nose out of their business, or keep supporting the Tamil Tigers, the maestros of suicide bombings who invented and perfected the suicide body pack and now copied elsewhere in the world by terrorists, the only terrorists outfit that has killed two heads of states, pioneered the use of women as suicide bombers, and killed over 4000, including politicians in 2006 and 2007; and create havoc geopolitically in that region.

You make the wrong choice Madam Arbour, and you will bring down your office for being guilty of being in collusion with the most ruthless terrorist group in the world, the Tamil Tigers. That is a reality check for you and the choice is absolutely yours.

Your sincerely,
Asoka Weerasinghe
(a concerned SriLankan-Canadian)


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