


By Walter Jayawardhana

Commander of the SriLanka Army said that the Northern Province of Sri Lanka will be taken from the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) during this year. He was reading this statement from a written document when he delivered the Sinhala and Hindu New Year message at a New Year festival at the Sri Lanka Army Headquarters in Colombo.

The message in Sinhala language was broadcast by the state owned Independent Television Network. Sri Lanka Army Commander Lt. General Sarath Fonseka said , “the North will be liberated from the terrorists this year and civilian life established.” Speaking at this New Year feast, where all soldiers attached to the Army Headquarters and their families were feted regardless of their rank, Lt. General Fonseka said, “The gallant soldiers created the positive environment prevailing in the country at present.

Therefore, they earn accolades from the entire nation.” The Sri Lanka Army is progressing well into the territory held by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) currently and the armed insurgent group has also reportedly lost extents of land in the Wanni, according to independent reports, aided by the Sri Lanka Air Force, Sri Lanka Navy and the Special Task Force of the Police.

The Army Chief said the innocent people yearning for peace are confident that their dream would soon become a reality. He called upon the Army personnel to be determined to fulfil this people’s wish. The nation appreciates, Lt. General Sarath Fonseka said, the commitment displayed by the Army in liberating the entire East from the terrorists, last year.

The Army Commander opined that their determination should be, therefore, to liberate the North from the LTTE terrorists and free the people encountering untold hardships. He said the whole nation, should remember, in fond memories and respect, the supreme sacrifices, made by the armed forces personnel so far to achieve this. .

He expressed his gratitude to all “gallant” members of the Army, engaged in operations in the North. President of the Army Seva Vanitha Unit Mrs. Anoma Fonseka and Lt. Gen. Fonseka visited the Army Hospital and inquired into the well being of the soldiers receiving treatment and distributed sweet meats among them to celebrate the New Year.-Full Story- (The LankaWeb - 17/04/08)

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