

President, PM wish Cuba successful meeting, recall 50th anniversary of Che's visit

Colombo, Jun 14 (Prensa Latina) Sri Lanka President Mahinda Rajapaksa greeted and wished success to the 4th Asia-Pacific Solidarity Meeting with Cuba that began in this capital with the participation of delegations from 20 countries.

The leader sent a message in which he highlighted that friendship with Cuba is deeply rooted in the Sri Lankan people regardless ethnic, religious and political differences. Rajapaksa recalled that Sri Lanka was one of the first countries that recognized the Revolutionary government and from that moment on bilateral ties have been strengthened.

He also said that Sri Lanka has always voted against the US economic blockade at the UN and has insisted that all disputes must be negotiated on the base of respect to the sovereignty.

In his message the President stressed that the Sri Lankan people will never forget the humanitarian and medical assistance Cuba has offered during the devastating tsunami in 2004.

In addition, Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickramanayaka, who also sent a greeting to the event, highlighted that the meeting was also held before the 50th anniversary of a Che Guevara visit to Sri Lanka and establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

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