

SLMM learns from BBC

By Legionary

So apparently now the SLMM claims -out of the blue- that the LTTE also attacked them for being biased, going on to state that they are thus indeed “neutral” because both sides accuse them for lack of neutrality.

Carefully placed misinformation like this has been used before by other LTTE stooges, such as the BBC, to deny their obvious support and favouritism for one side over another by claiming the former has accused them of bias as well.

Both the BBC and the SLMM’s actions coupled with their immense lack of impartiality have been well documented over the years.

Clearly the SLMM is now trying to build up some sort of credibility using the “we were attacked by both sides, thus we were really impartial and correct” argument, where they maybe cited as a “reliable” source to attack Sri Lanka with in some international forum.

Sri Lanka must compile a list of the SLMMs actions with all the evidence, such as media reports and SLMM statements and publish it for the worlds consumption –along with all the actions of Norway, including their stint in Ethiopia/Eritrea where they once again favoured one side (Eritrea) who had Norways interests closer at heart.

Interestingly the SLMM head stated that there is no “military solution” (as usual), how nice of him. Maybe the SLMM head had downed his last bottle of arrack or something when he said this, but it the solution has nothing to do with him. Why is he getting involved with what solution there should or should not be?

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