


Shripal Nishshanka (Middle Bond)

The Big Bang had occurred nearly five and a half billion years ago for this era and thus the creation of our universe, out of many universes began. Big Crunch of our universe, as mathematically and cosmically proven is to take place after another same period of time approximately.

Ironically and contrast, Bang Ki Moon of United Nations is so much concern about Sri Lanka's catastrophically erupted situation regarding the taming of terrorists showing his interest of sending representatives to the island to evaluate the ground situation.

Mr. Moon doomed the situation from the beginning by biasing with manipulated reports generated by pro terrorists. A supreme body such as the United Nations has been controlled by ill minded people and the top hierarchy of the UN needed to be shuffled without waiting to elapse the proper period for the sake of humanity in the globe.

When a democratically elected government in Sri Lanka is fighting to clear the menace of terrorism from Sri Lanka which definitely will be benefited by the whole world, Ban Ki Moon and some state leaders are crying about the situation to support the terrorists. Either they are spineless and afraid of the terrorists or enrolled in the payroll of the terrorists.

Ranil Wickckramasinghe who had Rosie Senanayake as his valentine in JRJ regime, while serving as the Minister of Education, Sports and Youth Affairs was busy in fishing the youth in Sri Lanka during the Valentine day last week by shouting about cost of living prevailing in Sri Lanka today. What he should be answered by the people is that he is the main reason behind the inflation by supporting terrorists and helping them to attack the public thus making the economy in Sri Lanka threatened.

Ranil is 'The Culprit" for Sri Lanka today who has all Christian and Catholic forces behind him to defeat and destroy Sri Lanka. The Ceasefire agreement he signed even without reading with the terrorists is a portion of his conspiracy to replace the pro-Buddhist Sri Lankan government with un-philosophical religious agendas.

Ranil's treasons shall be exposed by the public in the very near future and that will be the day that the whole world will be totally astonished by seeing the international leaders who double acted while helping the terrorists globally.

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