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Analogies To A Kosovo Type Liberation A Joke Remembering LTTE Mendacities And Their Terrorist Nature!
SharpShooting By Marksman Kumara ! For LankaWeb. March 17th 2008 The LTTE promising a Kosovo-type solution to the Tamil people of Sri Lanka now has to be portrayed as a joke with no substantial basis even for it to be viewed in lighter vein considering the realities of their present state of existence and their track record. To whom are the LTTE promising a Kosovo type solution asks every sensible Sri Lankan as The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), are now struggling to stop a relentless Armed Forces advance into their domain, amidst an insurmountable loss of men and material in the North and East of Sri Lanka while apparently forgetting their status as a proscribed and criminalised group of terrorists in the eyes of the world? Perhaps what they are is expecting through their incongruous rhetoric to this effect ( the suggested Kosovo scenario!) is that the West might come to their rescue while responding to their blatant concoctions about a falsely presented sincerity to the Tamil people.There are undoubtedly a few jokers around in the world community who are attempting to uphold this as well but in recent times their duplicities have been shamefully exposed and the LTTE and their champions are better off searching for a safe haven far beyond the boundaries of Sri Lanka where they will either as the proverb goes~ swim for it or sink in the process where sink seems to be the more likely eventuality despite the lifelines currently being thrown at them through the ungainly manouverings of the United Nations, Norway and certain pro LTTE sympathisers fron the USA, Britain and Norway predominantly. A lifeline whose fabric appears to be rotten in its reinforcement and likely to fragment in the overall scheme of things hence the urgency of their proclamations about a Kosovo type liberation where the truth of the matter is they have no entitlement to any liberation of others let alone themselves! Government sources of credibility as always, have informed the Nation of Sri Lanka that LTTE leader Velupillai Prabhakaran (literally said to be standing on one leg) has expressed 'confidence' in what he has refered to as a Kosovo-type intervention by the international community said in collaboration with the LTTE proxy in parliament the Tamil National Alliance whose days as a political entity in Sri Lanka are also in all probabilities numbered. It seems a fair assumption that once the LTTE are put down the TNA would have nothing more to represent as vast numbers of rational minded non terrorist supportive Tamils of Sri Lanka have indicated their reluctance to have anything to do with the LTTE and it follows logically that this must apply to the TNA also unless they change their tune to incorporate another theme although their duplicities are bound to show and another Tamil Party of greater credibility already appears to be on the horizon ready to pre empt their duplicities if the results of the recently concluded regional elections in the East are to be interpreted towards this!This party is said to comprise of Nation Loving Compassionate and Intelligent Tamils, not a bunch of bungling depraved,murderous, psycopaths the LTTE have turned ot to be! It has always been beyond the myth that Prabhakaran is not only a megalomaniac but also dreamer and now confirmed by the man's baseless and frivolous assurances made to the TNA that they would be able to achieve their 'goal' which needs no conjecture that it is Eelam with the backing of the international community and seems to have also concluded that with India's anti LTTE stance the LTTE could turn to European Union countries for support which is another assumed myth unless the LTTE have now concluded that the EU are as much a bunch of morons as are Norway who once pandered to their demands with proferred incentives to moot and lost most of her face and credibility in the process and the incentives miniscule compared to Norways sense of well being and benevolence which was overwhelmed and stifled by terrorist patronage which Norway probably rightfully deserved anyway!! Grist for the Prabhakaran mill of thought seems to have come from the US's apparent partisanship on many Sri Lankan issues which although being supportive of Sri Lanka's efforts to defeat the LTTE, some US actions, particularly the decision to suspend a range of military assistance to Sri Lanka and severe criticism of its human rights record which have been interpreted through the limited grey matter of Prabhakaran as being to the LTTE's advantage, albeit a mere stance by the US towards reducing the casualties in Sri Lanka's war effort perhaps yet inadvertently providing enough reasons for the mendacious terrorist's interpretation for which the US is nevertheless culpable! Despite their defiant rhetoric suggesting analogies with Kosovo the LTTE in their inimitable style, next switch to duplicity where their political head has suggested holding talks with the Government if it halted the military operations against them but no mention of their relenting their own attrocities which continue while being fully armed terrorists hell bent on secession. Reason for which later surfaces through rhetoric that the offer towards a peace dialogue should not be seen as ‘any desperation' on their part to stop the war. At this stage it would seem very convenient that the LTTE are prepared to commence negotiations with the Sri Lankan government if the government security forces are ordered to halt their military operations.To all appearances this has every indication of being a cheap ploy towards an attempt to regroup and one which must never be heeded to where the relentless Armed Forces drive must continue towards their elimination.There is no real cause to pay even the slightest attention to LTTE rhetoric suggesting that It was the government which started the war when the entire world by now must know the correct answer to that and the term war replaced by terrorist insurgency! In this respect while reiterating once more~ Analogies To A Kosovo Type Liberation sounds more of a joke remembering LTTE Mendacities And Their Terrorist Nature where there are no similarities between Kosovo and Sri Lanka albeit no laughing matter driving away the terrorists from the face of Sri Lanka where unlike Kosovo, in Sri Lanka a majority of the Tamil population do not want any part of the criminalities of the LTTE towards their posterity! |
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