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ABDUCTIONS, DISAPPEARANCES AND MEDIA FREEDOM Part IIA.A.M.NIZAM MATARAIt is an undisputable fact that many of Sri Lankas current problems are caused by the terrorist menace that continue to haunt this nation over a period of three decades. Many a time our gallant security forces were at the verge of stamping out this menace forever but the shameless patronage provided to the terrorists by our so-called leaders and treacherous politicians reversed this momentum. President J.R.Jayawardene subdued under duress exerted through Indian Gun Boat diplomacy. The so-called leaders and treacherous politicians who reigned after him in a shameless genuflecting appeasement policy provided financial and material assistance and granted them impunity to murder anyone mercilessly and ascend as the worlds ruthless terrorist organisation. These traitors together with NGO vultures sustaining on foreign funds continue to present absurd conjectures to thwart security operations against the terrorists. They claimed the terrorists were several fold stronger than the security forces, the terrorists were invincible, and now assert that the war is unwinnable and the war should be stopped through international mediation. After failing to sway the government and the masses from their prudent and resolute determination to wipe out the terrorist menace, these turn coat terrorist collaborators have resorted to a relentless campaign of terrorising the masses on potential bomb threats, and allege on the existence of State sponsored abductions, disappearances and suppression of media freedom.
It seems that the treacherous Mr. Ranil Wickremasinghe and the camouflaged tiger cubs encircling him are deliberately trying to hide the facts or miserably ignorant of the roots of the political culture relating to thuggery, intimidation and murder of opponents. Recorded speeches and writings on political veterans such as Dr. S.A.Wickremasinghe, Dr. N.M.Perera, Dr. Philip Gunawardene, Robert Gunawardene would reveal how these great politicians and their followers were assaulted, harassed and obstructed in carrying out their political activities by the then UNP which resented any ordinary folk gaining ascendance in the political arena. It is a known fact that Rohana Wijeweeras father was assaulted and made a disabled person by the UNP goondas (bathgottas) for the crime of being a staunch disciple of Dr. Wickremasinghe.
The UNP patronized goondas and feudalistic village headman resisted all opposition to UNP in village areas and the people were forced to support the UNP candidates who were mainly landlords and some military personnel decorated by the imperialists. Ossie Corea was a well known UNP goonda who reigned supreme in the Western Province. It was also rumoured that it was Ossie Corea who shot the late Prime Minister Mr. S.W.R.D.Bandaranaike disguised as a Buddhist Priest. It is a recorded historical fact that the late Prime Minister had said I was shot by an assassin garbed in a robe. In the Matara District goondas of Col. C.A.Dharmapala were involved in the suppression of political opponents. Similar Political Warlords suppressing peoples right to hold political opinions contrary to UNP operated in almost all Districts.
In the past, 4th Floor was synonymous to the infamous Batalanda. Many political activists opposed to UNP were taken to this notorious Abu Gurairand tortured under false pretexts. Torture and murder of Dodampe Mudalaliand Ven. Henpitagedera Gnanaseeha Thero were carried out under the tacit approval of the then UNP Government. Shooting of Ven. Dambarawe Thero at Kollupitiya Junction was another cold blooded political murder carried out by the 1965 UNP government.
There was a poor old man living near to my residence who earned his living by selling the Attha newspaper in the mornings and selling Saravitaat the main bus stand in the evening. He was a staunch Communist and was sporting a thick long moustache similar to Stalin. When the UNP government came to power in the 1965, the Seargemt Major of the Matara Police who was a staunch UNPer took this innocent man to the Police Station and subjected him to inhuman torture by pulling out the whole moustache despite severe bleeding, and bellowng of this man.
The UNP contested the 1977 General Election promising 8 pounds of cereals a weak free to everyone and establishing a Dharmishta Rajaya. Even before all the results were announced and there were a clear indication of the UNP victory, UNP goondas took to streets and started attacking innocent masses, and torching and stoning houses of non-UNPers. This state of terror prevailed for several days and for weeks in some places. In the Schools, Offices and other Government Institutions non-UNP personnel were assaulted, tortured and chased out.
Peons became Principals and Karyala Karya Sahayakes (Office Assistants) became Heads of Sections and Departments. Goons from Wanathamulla took charge of CTB Depots and Railway Yards in the Colombo District, and goons from Kehelwatte took charge of Port and other vital government institutions. The real irony was that many of these usurped positions were given official sanctions regardless of unsuitability and absurdity of those persons to hold such posts. Many government and Corporation employees were either prevented from reporting to duty or were subjected to severe harassments and were forced to find alternative employments or leave the country.
The normal life is often threatened today by threats of strikes and work stoppages even by those who are in the noble professions such as doctors and teachers. They receive covert support for these strikes and work stoppages from the disgruntled politicians whose greed to power find no bounds. The worst suppression of workers rights in which nearly 100,000 strikers lost their jobs for demanding just Rs. 300 a month salary increase took place in 1980. The treacherous Ranil Wickremasinghe was a powerful Minister in this tyrannical government and he was a staunch supporter of repressive measures and assults against the strikers.
Mr. Ranil Wickremasinghe and his tiger cubs afflicted with chronic amnesia should also be reminded that it was under the so-called (A)Dharmishta Rajyayathat freedom of the judiciary was nullified. Supreme Court Judges were humiliated and scorned by the government and their housees were stoned by UNP goondas for delivering a right judgement against a Case involving Mrs. Vivienne Goonewardene. Eminent persons such as Prof. Ediriweera Saratchandra was beaten and assaulted by UNP goondas for the crime of participating in a protest rally. Convicted rapist Gonawala Sunil, who was a staunch supporter of Mr. Ranil Wickremasighe had the impunity to carry out any crime, anywhere in the country and he was even appointed as an all island J.P UNP government of J.R. in which Mr. Ranil Wickremasinghe was a powerful Miniser has the reputation of introducing the bicycle-chain culture to Sri Lankan politics.
As a synopsis to the murder, torture, abductions and disappearances it would be appropriate to quote an excerpt from the Island Editorial dated 19.03.2007 which brilliantly summarises the real picture as follows: What was the situation in the South during the UNP regime in the late 1980s? The youth disappeared in their thousands and their bodies appeared on tyre-pyres in public places. The picturesque Suriya Kanda came to be known the world over as the Mountain of Death because of the mass grave of school children on its summit. Torture chambers were galore! UNP vigilantes invented a special method to torture Buddhist monks. They called it Dhamma Chakka. Roast chicken was another method used in those torture chamberssuspects were placed on a steel plate, which was then connected to high voltage power supply. Barbed wire put inside plastic pipes was inserted into suspects rectums and the pipes were then removed so that the wire got stuck in the flesh! They were left writhing in excruciating pain to die an agonising death. Remember the much dreaded galwala (stone pit) off the southern coast where the people saw flames engulfing the corpses of terror suspects day and night. Suspects were tied to coconut palms, bathed in kerosene oil and set ablaze alive! Craters left by the JVPs improvised landmines were filled with the bodies of suspects who had been taken in for questioning. Ballpoint pens were thrust into suspects ears as part of the interrogation process. What savagery was perpetrated on female suspects!
Mr. Ranil Wickremasinghe and his tiger cubs yell so much these days about media freedom and attempt to pose as true guardians of media freedom. Exposing their hypocracy on this subject excusively needs much space and hence will follow in Part III of this article. To be continued .
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