

Why Hisbullah not appointed the Chief Minister

Mohamed Faizul Muslim Front of Canada

Mr. Hisbullah is the right candidate who could work parallel with the UNP/SLMC and also his experience in public office is very much enlightened. The people in the East needed a big break since they have suffered during the time of the LTTE under the renegade leaders like Karuna and Piliyan. To bring Piliyan to the post of CM it will not digest the people in East.
A person in the East has always seen Piliyan a part of the armed group. He should be allowed to sit has a councilor and study how to run an administration before appointing him the Chief Minister. Now the government should take full responsibility in every action Piliyan takes. Who will give assurance that Piliyan will not misuse his good office like Dr Mervin De Silva? We should not give the opportunity for the pro LTTE forces to infiltrate the masses and disturb the council in the East. Piliyan should be replaced with Dr Mervin in Parliament and given a portfolio as the Minister for rehabilitation in the East under the preview of the Excellency the President.

Presently the Minorities are been given step mother treatment according to the UNP version and this is the only way the government could bridge peace among the Tamil speaking people. That also vanished with the appointment of Piliyan. There were rumors that Piliyan manipulated the election and then naturally he would have got more preferential vote but here its not the preferential votes should count, its how many Muslim members got elected.

Ranil never wanted to work hand in hand with the minorities he only works with Norway, LTTE and the countries who wanted to sell arms to the LTTE. Ranil ruined the Colombo Municipal Council by not allowing a Minority to contest although this time, the Mayoral candidate should have been a minority but he brought in Sirisena Cooray and handed over the council to administrate by a trishaw driver. Each and everybody and specially politicians one day has to answer to Almighty for all the corruptions and etc.

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