The Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka
to the United Nations Office at Geneva
18th June 2008
The Editor
Morning Leader,
Leader Publications (Pvt) Ltd.
24, Katukurunduwatte Road, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka
Dear Editor,
Writing in the Morning Leader of Wednesday June 18, your regular commentator
Ranjith Jayasundera states that: "The Geneva delegation was reduced
to denying reports in the British media that Sri Lanka had "called
for the abolition of the British monarchy" as the denial read.
What actually transpired, and is minuted in UN proceedings, is that
while Sri Lanka's back was to the wall during the UN Human Rights Council's
periodic review of the country's rights record, our erstwhile 'permanent
representatives' tried to suggest that instead of focusing on Sri Lanka,
the UN ask the United Kingdom to "hold a referendum" on the
existence of the British monarchy." ('Divisive Politics and National
Now not only is this an easily demonstrable falsehood, and contrary
to the writer's claim, cannot be borne out by UN HRC minutes, for it
to be true would require the invention by humankind of a Time Machine.
The easily verifiable fact is that the UK's Universal Periodic Review,
in which Sri Lanka made its recommendation, took place weeks before
Sri Lanka's and indeed in separate rounds! The UK's was in Round One
and Sri Lanka's came up in Round Two. Therefore the entire explanation,
that Sri Lanka, with its back to the wall during the UPR sought to divert
attention by suggesting that the UK have a referendum on the existence
of the monarchy, is utterly outlandish.
The writer also makes a reference to our "erstwhile permanent
representatives". Well our erstwhile permanent representatives
are Messrs Koelmeyer, Dhanapala, Rodrigo, Palihakkara, Kariyawasam and
Ms Fernando, none of whom could have made the suggestion imputed to
them, precisely because they are "erstwhile". Obviously your
correspondent's ignorance extends to the very meaning of the words he
Yours sincerely,
Dayan Jayatilleka
Ambassador/ Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the UN in Geneva
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