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Are politicians like Karunanidi, Vaiko and Nedumaran trying to get Man Mohan Singh, Sonia Gandhi and Rahul blown up by the LTTE, to protect their own positions in Tamilnadu?Sudath GunasekaraIt was a female LTTE suicide cadre dispatched by Prabakaran, in 1991, who assassinated Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi on the very Indian soils after placing a garland around his neck. This was how Prabhakaran showed his gratitude to Rajiv for providing the LTTE with arms and military training (and even his own bullet proof jacket presented to Prabha) within the South Indian State of Tamilnadu to fight against the Sri Lankan Army. This was the classic blunder committed by Rajiv and his mother against Sri Lanka and it was done on three grounds. Firstly, they wanted to hurt JR as he had made some irrelevant and unbecoming statements against the mother and the son during his elections by comparing them to a cow and a calf. Secondly, they wanted to appease Tamilnadu extremist communal politicians to maintain the majority at the centre. Thirdly, as usual, they wanted to demonstrate their power as the 'Big brother' of the SARC region. To me this appears to be cheap and dirty politics which a man like Nehru would never have resorted to. What happened to Rajiv and how tragically he died and how dearly he had to pay for his foolish mistakes is now a part of history gone by? I am sure the present day Indian leadership which is less arrogant and more intelligent will never commit the same blunder for a second time. Why I wanted to narrate this incident here is to remind the present day Indian Leaders the dangers of playing with the hair and running with the hound (in this case the tiger). If they have learnt a lesson from the above unfortunate incident, I don't think Man Mohan Sing, being a more seasoned and mature politician and Sonia Gandhi whose husband was brutally murdered by the very Tigers, will do the same mistake by listening to Tamilnadu communal politicians and want to get blown off by the Tigers, besides giving more muscles to Naxalites and other terrorists operating within India. In this instance I would like to remind them a famous saying by one
of their own sages of yore Every one knows what happen to the monkey who tried to meddle unnecessarily with other peoples affairs in this story. Therefore I don't think I need to elaborate on it. I only want the Indian leaders to fully understand the reality of this parable. What the third grade south Indian politicians like Karunanidi, who are playing to the gallery, are trying to do is nothing more than a futile attempt to safeguard their own positions at the next elections. They are only igniting the Tamil communal fire that will finally devour the whole of India. I wonder whether they are at least aware that Sri Lanka is an independent country over which India has no suzerainty rights. In this instance it reminds me of a letter I wrote to Rajiv Gandhi
the Indian Prime Minister on 4th July 1985 stating as to why he should
not support the LTTE. The text of the letter under reference I give below. " The LTTE is a fascist terrorist outfit of misguided Sri Lankan
Tamils comprising a minor fraction of the Tamil population of the country
(about 5%) who have taken to arms against the legally elected government
of Sri Lanka with the object of establishing a separate State of Eelam,
in the North and East of Sri Lanka covering 1/3 the total land area
and 2/3 the coastal belt of the Island extending from Puttalam in the
west through Jaffa-Trrincommalle-Batticaloa to Kataragama in the deep
South East. Thereafter they plan to extend it to cover the whole Island.
This they have named as the Home part of their imaginary Tamil Homeland-the
EELAM-that included South India as well in the distant past according
to them. It is a foregone conclusion that there was never a Tamil Kingdom
in Sri Lanka either in Jaffna or anywhere else in known history (except
for the four year period of rule over the Jaffna peninsula by a patricide
called Sankili the usurper from 1556-1560 AD). Hon. Prime Minister, yesterday it was a Sheik fanatic who brutally gunned down your beloved mother. Tomorrow could not it be a Tamil Terrorist suicide bomber from Sri Lanka who will gun you down as a mark of gratitude for all the help you have so generously and lavishly lent them. So even if you decide not to help the government of Sri Lanka to overcome this terrorist menace, at least in your own interest and the interest of future India, we request you to take the following steps very early for your own benefit. 1. Stop all assistance to this terrorist group and ban its operations
within the Indian 2. Direct the State of Tamilnadu to stop all such assistance to LTTE
and not dig their own grave. 3. Leave us alone so that we will deal with them the same way we have
done for 4. Please stop entertaining Sri Lankan Tamil politicians on Indian
soils and tell them that they are not your concern any longer as they
belong to Sri Lanka and they should therefore settle their problems
with the government of the country where they live and belong to. It may also be noted that the present crisis in Sri Lanka is not a
conflict between the Tamils and the Sinhalese as most outside people
think. As I see it, it is an outcome of an externally manipulated international
conspiracy by the Catholic Church to divide and destabilize the state
of Sri Lanka. For example the architect of this separatist movement,
the late S.J.V. Chelvanayagam himself was a born Christian who migrated
to this country from Malaysia at the age of 11 years. What South India should understand at least now is that this is a domestic
problem of Sri Lanka and therefore India should not interfere with the
present crisis in Sri Lanka and add fuel to fire. Instead of fanning
a burning communal fire what really they should do at this critical
hour is that they should help the Sri Lankan government to overcome
the LTTE menace as it poses a greater threat to India than even to Sri
Lanka in the long run. A word may also be mentioned here on Tamil people who live in Sri Lanka
about whom the Tamilnadu politicians shed so much of crocodile tears.
The Tamilnadu politicians should understand that Tamils in Sri Lanka
are our citizens and not theirs and Sri Lanka is an independent sovereign
State and is not a part of India. I quote here what Nehru had said about the Indians living in other
countries in his conversations with Tibor Mende in 1955 for their information
to put the issue in a broader perspective. 'So far as the policy is concerned, we have laid down very clearly-in
regard to Africa, as well as in regard to other countries-that we do
not want any rights or privileges in a country which, in any way, would
come in the way of the inhabitants of that country. They should consider
themselves as guests. If they are unwelcome they have no business to
be there.' I think this perception is equally valid even today to those who claim
independent separate states on foreign lands like Sri Lanka and those
cheap Tamilnadu politicians who attempt to intimidate the centre. Also some of the recent actions and statements of the Indian central
government in response to Tamilnadu agitations appears to be rather
unbecoming. It appears that they still feel Sri Lanka should be governed
the way India wants. They resort to all this gimmick to save their government.
We do it to save our country. So which is more important is only common
sense. They have little understanding that his type of blatant intervention
by a foreign country in the internal affairs of another independent
country is not warranted by any civilized international or diplomatic
norms. Now look at the following statements issued by the Indian foreign Secretary
about two days ago. "India expressed grave concerns over the ongoing violence in Sri
Lanka. He asked Colombo to take concrete steps to stop the military
offensive in Sri Lanka," This is the third message from New Delhi to Colombo in the last three
days 'External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee had sent a stern message
to Colombo Thursday asking it to shun "military means" and
pursue a political settlement that respects the human rights of minorities
in the island nation. "It is essential that their rights be respected,
that they be immune from attacks, and that food and other essential
supplies be allowed to reach them," Mukherjee said. In a clear
warning to Colombo, Mukherjee said the Indian government would 'do all
in its power to achieve this goal and to ameliorate the humanitarian
conditions in Sri Lanka'. Why don't Mukherjee and others adopt the same stance to Kashmire where
they have killed nearly 50,000 Muslims to keep that tiny fraction to
India and against other terrorist groups within their own soil? Why
is this duplicity? For us in Sri Lanka as a nation it is a struggle
between life and death and we are not fighting against the Tamils. The
fight is only against the LTTE terrorists and that is also to liberate
the freedom loving Tamils form these inhuman brutal killers who keep
the entire population there as hostages to be used as a human shield.
Suffering and genocide to Tamils is only caused by the Tigers and not
by the Sri Lankan government. We are also fighting to protect the territorial
integrity and the sovereignty of this Island nation. Why are these political
heavy weights so blind to see this logical scenario? We have no objection
for their taking Prabhakaran and his killer gang to India and even if
they want to enthrone him in Delhi. But they should not try to enthrone
him here and bully us merely because we are a small a nation. We are
also not a suzerainty of India for them to behave like this. A mere 6 % of the population, waging a terrorist war, to carve out
a separate state (Eelam), covering 1/3 of the country and more than
2/3 of its territorial waters. Isn't it that India is trying to light
its cigar while our beard is in flames? If we tell India to withdraw the military from Kashmir and allow militants
there to have Kashmir I would like to ask Mukherji, Krishnamenan and
ilk as to how they would react? Who are these people to lay down such
undiplomatic, stiff and harsh conditions to us? The truth is all these
guys who roar like lions to us are dead scared of Prabhakaran because
they know very well that if they speak against him their days are numbered.
We still remember what stiff security measures they resorted to when
Man Mohan Singh attended SARC in Colombo. Finally the only advice I can give to the power hungry and sycophantic
Tamilnadu politicians and also the spineless people like Mukhejee is
to mind their own business without interfering with ours. If they are
so concerned about Lankan Tamils the best thing they should do is to
get them down to Tamilnadau (of cause only those who want to go) as
soon as possible and make Prabhakaran the King of their state so that
they could kill all other Indian leaders with his help and capture the
whole of India and establish their dream Eelam on their own soil. It
shall never be allowed to see the light of the day on Sri Lankan soils
as long as the last patriotic Sri Lankan is alive.
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