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How & Why We Hide Ourselves?Anura Seneviratna (on behalf of Expat Hela Team UK).
Media reporting and writing of facts about the on-going conflict in the Island Country seems taboo and the reasons for this destructive attitude in giving credibility to the so called terrorists who are supported by gangs of foreign agents and governments is beyond rational explanation. However, some deep scrutiny is called for to get at the truth, which is the right of the people of the land and world at large. Firstly, the definitions of the conflict ranging from terrorism, ethnic conflict, civil war to Tamil national struggle are far from facts.
Terrorism is rampant violence mostly in dastardly attacks against the innocent Hela/Sinhela infants,children, women and men can be correctly identified as genocide which is more vicious than mere terror. Ethnic conflict is to say that Hela/Sinhelas and Tamils are at each other, the reference to Hela/Sinhela Nation as an ethnic group is untrue because they are the Nation of the Island Country. Hence, more than an ethnic conflict it is correct to say an attack on the Sovereign Nation of the country by a section of the non indigenous minority Tamils. Civil war is absurd as if the so called Sri Lankan civilians are fighting each other. Tamil national struggle is blatantly fraudulent which has fobbed us and the world at large as the greatest fraud in history ever! The tangible proof of where the Tamil national struggle can be easily found in looking into the Indian subcontinent on the world map with Tamil Nadu (Tamil Country) and 70 million Tamil nation where the Tamil national struggle should legitimately take place. Therefore it is crystal clear what is happening in the island nicknamed as Sri Lanka with its only 14 million indigenous Hela nation is an attempting invasion to convert Heladiva (SL) into a second Tamil Nadu.
This letter is titled as How & Why We Hide Ourselves first refers to the subservient and slavish mindset of a minority yet of an influential minority with a punch in certain higher echelons of political power with their media appendages; who continue to perform national hara kiri in a blissful state of comatose. Subservient and slavish syndrome to the West and anything foreign deserves some delving to know why for the benefit of all in the service to human kind to get at the truth. Let alone a few hundred years of subjugation to foreign robber nations who violated this land; tracking back to 1948 independence saga, until the current leadership, the island country was ruled by the chosen sidekicks of the then British land robbers. Though the Island of the Sinhalese was robber-stamped as Ceylon it should have been rightfully reverted to Sinhaleon the day of independence but that was wishful thinking to expect from a bunch of anti-national pseudo-Sinhalas. In 1970 to make it worse Ceylon was named as Sri Lanka, a nickname used by the ancient Indians which is an abbreviation from the Indian word alankaar. As the owner of a land deed without his/her correct name would have had severe legal repercussions; similarly the Indigenous Hela/Sinhela Nation fell into the trap of disintegrating their National Ownership. This paved the way for the non indigenous Tamils, Muslims who are only ethnic minorities of Tamil Nadu and Muslim national origins respectively to demand their alien-national rights in violating the National Hela/Sinhela Sovereignty. The authentic name of the island country is Heladiva which later was corrupted to Sinha+Hela=Sinhela and Sinhala but we are safest with Heladiva meaning every square inch of the island upholding National Hela Sovereignty.
The fact that our country was palmed over to a coterie of anti-nationals for 58 years who were openly loyal to the non indigenous Tamil minority brought about the present crisis and invasive terror cancer to our tiny country. The major human rights violation of brainwashing our NATION into a mere majority status to a no-mans island called Sri Lanka was an open encouragement for the settler Tamils and Muslims to implant their alien-nationalisms here. This has gradually culminated presently to an undercover attempt of Tamil invasion to turn Heladiva into a second Tamil Nadu.
The systematic conditioning of the Hela Nation made especially the people closer to the mechanics of political power to become utterly gullible and slavish in bending over backwards to the whims and fancies of the non indigenous minorities, West and all foreign elements. Opting out for the pariah status in our own natural and national motherland is a malaise wishing that no other nation should ever be afflicted with. The ramification of this grave condition which will go to destroy the very survival of the nation - now, in spite of a change of leadership more akin to favourable national path; still the inability to come out and relate to the truth of our rightful Hela nationhood is immensely tragic. The fear of being attacked as racists or lacking political correctness in minority sympathy and a loss of any vested interests seem to determine the continuous game of hide and seek. This is done at our peril as a Nation as well as every single individual, because if we prolong this agony and one day to see the tiny country, which is our heritage and the soil of our survival and for posterity is taken away the world will only say sorry and forgotten forever.
It is paramount to understand why this so called Tamil national struggle is conducted within the Hela National landscape. For our tiny 14 million Hela Nation there are 70 million Tamil nation of Tamil Nadu (TamilCountry) plus over 3o million Tamil expatriates settled in host countries including Heladiva. A total of over 100 million Tamils is a vast population in the world and not having their independent Tamil country is a major grievance. Where the legitimate Tamil national struggle should take place is not in Malaysia, Heladiva, South Africa, Burma etc. where Tamils have moved to pastures anew but ONLY in Tamil Nadu of the Indian subcontinent. It is obvious Tamils cannot clash with India to free Tamil Nadu, eventually found then Ceylon ruled by their kin garbed in Sinhala names offering numerous rights emerged as the basis for the global Tamil conspiracy in promoting the independent Tamil country. So with the Tamil Nadu leadership and leaderships of Tamil expatriates in collusion decided to capture Heladiva (SL) as their first step before freeing Tamil Nadu. Their barbarous ploy is to drive their Tamil national struggle by committing genocide against the tiny Hela Nation and capturing the island country by fobbing the world in a shameless bogus campaign of a Tamil National struggle within the Hela Nation.
It should be brought home to our NATION of Helas that in the current times no one, no minority, no other country, foreign agents, international community or the West will respect or support us if we do not get up and be assertive and state the facts without fear or favour. Until we start to do this with human and national pride, we may doom to dust in self-pity! |
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