

Human Rights Minister's closing statement at UPR

The Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the United Nations Office at Geneva
19th May 2008

Ms. Shirani Goonetilleke, Director, Secretariat for Coordinating the Peace Process

Statement delivered by Ms. Shirani Goonetilleke, Director, Secretariat for Coordinating the Peace Process on behalf of the Minister of Disaster Management and Human Rights Hon. Mahinda Samarasinghe at the adoption of the report of Sri Lanka on Monday 19th May 2008 following its Universal Periodic Review

Mr. President, Excellencies, distinguished delegates,

I am making this statement on behalf of the Hon. Mahinda Samarasinghe Minister of Disaster Management and Human Rights who led the delegation to the Human Rights Council's Universal Periodic Review of Sri Lanka.

The Government of Sri Lanka welcomes the opportunity to be reviewed under this new mechanism of the Universal Periodic Review as one of the founding members of the Human Rights Council. In keeping with the spirit of UN General Assembly Resolution 60/125, Sri Lanka is committed to the objective of this mechanism in identifying ways in which the international community can work in partnership to ensure the enjoyment of all rights by all persons, in a practical way.

My delegation takes this opportunity on behalf of the Government of Sri Lanka to extend our sincere thanks and gratitude to all delegations for their kind support and valuable contributions made during the course of the interactive dialogue.

Our thanks also go to the OHCHR Secretariat, for the preparation of this report.

Mr. President,

We had a rich and productive interactive dialogue under the Universal Periodic Review of Sri Lanka with the participation of a large number of UN member States. We have benefited by the many constructive suggestions and recommendations. We have, therefore, done our utmost to accept as many recommendations as possible, over half, which indicate the esteem in which we hold the Council and our willingness to cooperate with it. We have also announced a number of voluntary commitments, reflected in paras 87 to 112 of the report, to further the promotion and protection of human rights.

Mr. President,

The UPR is a new and evolving process. There is a clear need to further improving and fine tuning and rendering more transparent its methodology and procedures. The experience we have gained from the process must be shared, and shortcomings, if any, should be duly addressed within the forum of the Council in order to enhance the effectiveness of the UPR process.

Finally, Mr. President, let me assure you of Sri Lanka's commitment to the success of the UPR process as a whole and the development of the Human Rights Council into the truly global forum on human rights that it was formed to be.

Thank you.

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