

His Excellency Cardinal Joseph of "Eelam"!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What has happened to Rayappus’ voice! Where is his wrath, rants and ravings to the international community – has he requested the Apostolic nuncio in Sri Lanka to inform the church in Rome about the desecration, the murder of six and injuries to 10 young soldiers done by his megalomaniac brother Prabakaran and terrorist vermin. What happened to the sanctity of St Sebestians church, Thalladi? Is it only when a Tamil is gunned down in the church premises that Rayappu gets words into his mouth!

It is well known fact that he is a ‘Tamil Eelam’ supporter and that he has done nothing to stop the atrocities or carnage done by the terror dogs. He has allowed LTTE terrorists to run amok in areas under his religious jurisdiction for the past two/ three decades. He is quite aware that Tamil civilians are held subjugated and that hundreds of underage Tamil have been abducted and forced to the war front, while the terrorists use women and children as human shields. But his mouth can only get words to blame the Government and the SL security forces.

The so called Sinhala, Bhuddist chavunists were cleaning church premises on a request to the Army from Rev. Fr. Thevaraja, Rev. Fr. Arunraj, Rev. Fr. Nevin, Rev. Fr. Kulas and Rev. Bro.Laxstent of the Catholic Church. These innocent brave youth protecting the lives of their brothers and sisters and the sovereignty of their beloved nation were performing menial duties not fit for gallant soldiers to win Tamil hearts and minds. However if Rayappu, had a heart and mind he should give an unreserved apology to the families of these gallant youngsters and an outright condemnation of LTTE terrorists. "No man hath greater love than giving his life for his fellow human beings" The Mannar church bells should have rung out in earnest the sorrow of loosing these gallant warriors.

Rayappu, must forget about becoming the ‘Roman catholic cardinal’ in the Eelam state of his maniacs dream. It is time for him to repent and ask God to at least give him the courage to know the difference between right and wrong between human beings and suicide bombing vermin and not be a puppet licking the boot of a murderer for his personal safety.

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