

Human Rights Watch Has Spoken Out Of Turn And Should Focus Their Attentions Elsewhere With A Felt Need!

©Insight By Sunil Kumar For LankaWeb

May 20th 2008

The rights group Human Rights Watch has surely spoken out of turn as they sometimes do in taking the liberty to proclaim that UN members should reject Sri Lanka's re-election bid to the world body's Human Rights Council. This rights group has blatantly accused the Sri Lankan Administration of being responsible for 'widespread abductions and disappearances' which they have not really classified nor clarified probably because the accusations are mostly hearsay with no tangible proof and the group seems to have jumped on the bandwagon of accusations and false allegations circulating presently and have been for sometime now based on innuendo and concocted exaggerations mostly set in place by the various propaganda sources of the Tamil Tiger terrorists in their campaign to discredit the Government of Sri Lanka who is now on a determined and concerted tour de force to eliminate them permanently from the face of Sri Lanka.

Most aggravatingly for the Sri Lankan authorities their cause has been compounded up by a few prominent world figures who seem to be barking up the wrong tree as far as their accusations against the Government of Sri Lanka goes. Names such as Bishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa who fancies his particular brand of dabbling in controversy, former Us president Jimmy Carter America's goody two shoes former president who even defied the current Administration and Argentinian Nobel laureate Adolfo P Esquivel who is a melodramatic peace activist whose country has long been steeped in human rights violations to name a few who have absolutelty no right to their accusations with neither circumstantial nor uncovered evidence and are lowering their credibilities by meddling in the internal affairs of a Sovereign nation.

They are best adviced to put a lid on their campaign to discredit Sri Lanka and focus their attentions on parts of the world such as Palestine at the mercy of the State of Israel, Burma being autocratically buldozed by her military junta, North Korea whose starving millions are intimidated by a bureaucratic administration hell bent on gaining nuclear power even at the cost of oppressing civillians, China despite the eyewash to cover up attrocities in Tibet and the intimidations directed at Taiwan not forgetting South Africa and Zimbabwe - all countries where human rights violations are rife, at times unparalleled and ironically the assinine accusations against Sri Lanka are aginst a Nation waging a very justifiable and legitimate war towards eliminating a band of muderous terrorists and by no means a war of attrition!

Sri Lanka is one of the participants vying for elections to the 47-member council, the UN's leading human rights body which will be held in New York on Wednesday, when candidate countries need an absolute majority -- or 97 votes from the UN's 192 nations -- to be elected.To the consternation of Sri Lanka the organization

Human Rights Watch (HRW) has branded Sri Lanka as one of the world's worst perpetrators of "disappearances" and abductions and described the situation in the island -- torn by a decades-old ethnic war -- as a "national crisis" but realistically need to get their facts and figures including contentious accusations into proper perspective to accommdate the truth rather than trumpet the cause of the Tamil Tiger terrorists which their rhetoric seems tantamount to!

Sri Lanka has indeed been faced with a national crisis at the hands of the Tamil Tiger terrorists for almost four decades now where at long last there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel for Sri Lanka as the terrorists are being systematically taken to task and annihilated as they are an unwelcome presence as a destructive element in the Island Nation and to a greater proportion inhuman considering their modus operandi, their track record and the havoc they have wreaked in the past on innocent civilians and if anyone champions their cause under the guise of human rights they probably need to have their heads examined!

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