

Air Force launches multiple air raids at terror targets- Kilinochchi

Sri Lanka Air Force carried out 4 air raids targeting terrorist gatherings in the forward area on the Wanni battlefronts during last few hours (Sept 21).

Air Force spokesperson Wing Commander Janaka Nanayakkara speaking to said the first of the air raids was launched by fighter jets at 11 AM targeting a terror gathering detected 5 km north of Nachchikudha. The attack was launched in support of Task Force 1 soldiers operating on the western half of the Kilinochchi front, he added.

The second air strike was also launched by jets around 12 noon targeting terror location identified 3 km North of Akkarayankulam area, said the spokesperson.

He further said, the other raids were launched as close air support missions in support of Army 57 division troops operating in eastern half of the Kilinochchi front. MI 24 helicopters attacked two terror resistance points, one located 1.5 km southwest of Akkarayankulam at 10 AM and the other located 2 km northeast of Akkarayankulam at 1 PM, he added.

According to the battlefield reports, troops of 57 division are currently engaged in a fierce battle against the terrorists in the Kokavil area. Available information reveal over a dozen of LTTE cadres have been killed so far during these clashes.

More information will follow..

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