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Terrorism and concern about Ms Arbours questionable competency -An Open Letter to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, UNBen Silva UK21 - 03 - 08 Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon,
Dear Sir, Terrorism and concern about Ms Arbours questionable competency
Sri Lanka is currently being savaged by internationally funded Tamil terrorists, who have the intention of creating a racist Tamil empire in Sri Lanka [11],[2]. Unfortunately, Sri Lanka has also been harassed by Ms Arbours UN section [3], who are supposed to be the custodians of Human rights. Many Sri Lankans are distressed by the action of the terrorists and also by the apathy of human rights groups that appear to do nothing to stop terrorism and empire building efforts by racist Tamils. In the past, for centuries, Sri Lanka has been the victim of savage attacks from South Indian war lords [11],[23]. In the recent past, Sri Lanka has been under European colonial rule. In both cases, the invaders have denied freedom, justice, and peace for the Sinhalese. LTTE have ejected by killing and threat to life, all non Tamils from LTTE controlled areas. If LTTE is not defeated, it is most likely, as indicated by their past conduct, that they will continue with their racist killing spree, where they killed peace loving Sinhalese and Tamil people. Therefore GoSL has no option, but to defeat them. It is reported in the media, Khaleef Times [1], that HR organisations have ganged up against Sri Lanka. The reported action amount to bullying by a well coordinated and networked group. The bullying that is carried out is similar in nature, to a gang of school boys bullying a defenceless victim. This matter needs to be brought to the attention of UN member states. Many suspect that a number of so called Human rights groups have a neo colonialist agenda. Steps need to be taken to stop the bullying. It appears that Ms Arbour and some officials in AI and HRW have concepts and views on Sri Lanka, and then they look for evidence to fit their views, and do not hear the views of the Sinhalese. It is likely that this psychological phenomena may be due to their racist and neo colonial attitude. Analysis of the role of Western countries including, EU in the conflict in Sri Lanka, that has been ignored by Ms Arbour, is given below. 1. UK Government allowed LTTE to base its head office to be in London and allowed the terror network to grow. 2. Lax immigration laws of EU countries allowed a large influx of bogus Tamil refugees into EU countries. 3. This large bogus Tamil refugee population in EU countries are able to wield a powerful political and economic influence. They play a major role in the propaganda war, fund raising and disinformation campaign of LTTE. 4. Large` Tamil bogus refugee population in EU countries contribute to fund the terror war in Sri Lanka [8],[9]. 5. The Tamils have been heavily favoured and the Sinhalese heavily discriminated by Western countries, in relation to residency in UK and other EU countries. This is clearly seen on simple physical observation, for example in London. This situation has caused instability in Sri Lanka. It is also one of the reasons why LTTE disinformation cannot be neutralised. 6. EU countries have largely turned a blind eye to fund raising and propaganda activities of LTTE. UK venues have been used for propaganda activities and fund raising activities of LTTE fronts. 7. Free health care, free education, free training, free housing and various other free things are given to these bogus refugees. It is indeed, these free things that attract the bogus refugees to UK. It can be said, because of the various free things given to bogus refugees, bogus refugees will have disposable income to fund terrorism. It could then be argued that EU states indirectly fund terrorism. Clearly EU countries have played a major role in supporting and the growth of LTTE terrorism. It is indeed hypocrisy for EU to talk about peace. If EU is genuine about human rights, it should stop the fund flow to LTTE and stop its territory to be used by LTTE for propaganda. Also if there is even the faintest notion of justice and fair play in the world, then EU should compensate the victim Sri Lanka. It is absolutely essential to understand the root cause of the problem in Sri Lanka, before any solution is contemplated. It is well known that terrorism in Sri Lanka is funded by bogus Tamil refugees living in Western Countries [8],[9]. The mission of the overseas Tamils is to carve out a part of Sri Lanka for a mono ethnic Tamil State. The terrorist problem in Sri Lanka, is due to the favouritism shown to Tamils and the discrimination against the Sinhalese, related to residency in Western Countries. This discrimination against the Sinhalese is certainly immoral and illegal. The favouritism to Tamils and the discrimination against the Sinhalese is glaringly obvious and is very visible in London, where you see many Tamils and Tamil owned businesses and hardly any Sinhalese. It is this massive discrimination that is fuelling the terrorism and fund the LTTE propaganda war. By favouring one ethnic group (Tamils) over another (Sinhalese), Western countries including EU, have initiated instability in Sri Lanka. This may be a chilling revelation, but is an irrefutable fact. This favouritism to Tamils has caused a power imbalance and an economic imbalance as well, in Sri Lanka. Even prior to the favouritism shown to Tamils, by Western countries, it was a massive struggle for the small Sinhalese group to defend against the invading tribal Tamil war lords. Therefore, Western countries, including EU countries should take full responsibility for the mess in Sri Lanka and should pay compensation for the victims of terrorism.
According to the UN charter, article 1, the purpose of UN is to maintain international peace and security. However UN, has done nothing to stop terrorism in Sri Lanka, nothing to stop favouritism to Tamils, allowed fund raising for terrorism in Western countries, allowed international terrorist network to operate destabilising Sri Lanka, allowed terrorists to carry out arms trafficking and human trafficking, turned a blind eye to various fraudulent and illegal activities of LTTE, did nothing to end discrimination against Sinhalese. Until UN officials show that they act against terrorism and terrorist fund raising and attempt to end discrimination against the Sinhalese, and stop UN being used by terrorists as a convenient tool, it would be pointless to allow UN officials to Sri Lanka. In short, UN has done nothing to help a member state, protect itself from a racist terror gang but has functioned as the mouth piece of terrorists.
Already, Sri Lanka is undergoing an extremely stressful period, due to terrorism that is funded from Western countries. It is indeed a tragedy, If on top of that, Sri Lanka also has to face Western based, biased human rights organisations, who only appear to listen to LTTE propaganda.
I have attempted to analyse what may have happened with Ms Arbour and others taking a similar point of view to Ms Arbour.
The problem boils down to the possible lack of cognitive skills of Ms Arbour to distinguish the truth from deception, bias, lies and fiction produced by LTTE or their agents. Ms Arbour has not understood the nature of LTTE and that LTTE have paid campaigners generating disinformation for LTTE against Sri Lanka. Ms Arbour has failed to recognise that LTTE are experts in deception and fraud and will go to any length to trick naive and gullible persons such as Ms Arbour. Ms Arbour, has not understood the link between terrorism, LTTE fundraising, bogus refugees and disinformation against Sri Lanka. However, the problem is not unique to Ms Arbour, and I have shown previously, with adequate evidence, that AI and the torture expert of UN have made similar mistakes. The muddled thinking of Ms Arbour is illustrated well by Lewis Wordsmyth, in the article [16] with the title Louise Arbour's 'dangerous liaisons' ref: http://www.lankaweb.com/news/items08/170108-8.html . This article also shows clearly the conduct of various groups with vested interests. Many have challenged Ms Arbours views [3] and these challenges should not be taken lightly or ignored.
It appears, that that Mr Arbour and the others that have formed an anti GoSL view have only listened to the LTTE side of the events. The main reason for this is the financial and political power of LTTE, that has agents that masquerade as civilians and generate canards, for the consumption of gullible UN officials and officials attached to HR organisations.
It is clear that UN and HR organisations have ignored natural justice and there is a serious miscarriage of justice, as only the version of one party, ie LTTE version is heard. Very often, the LTTE version is a canard or disinformation, or a half truth with a spin to mislead the listener. Reasons why only the LTTE version is heard is given below: Large number of bogus refugees in Western Countries, who due to self
interest, spread disinformation. Ms Arbour and other groups have not compared the response of Sri Lanka, with the response of other democratic countries, when the integrity of those countries have been threatened. For example UK and USA invaded Iraq and Afghanistan and killed over 150,000 innocent civilians when the leaders felt there was a threat to these two countries. Invasion of Iraq is indeed thought to be the world's largest "HR tragedy". There is enough documentation that innocent civilians were subjected to human rights abuses by the invading forces. In the past USA used nuclear bombs against Japan killing over 220,000 innocent people. Dresden was fire bombed killing 40000 civilians, as a means of halting the war. In comparison, the conduct of Sri Lanka is mild. Unless comparison is made with countries that experienced similar problems, accusations and comments on the conduct of Sri Lanka are meaningless. One has to take into account that Sri Lanka is facing a globally funded terrorism, with a mission of carving out a part of Sri Lanka, for a mono ethnic racist Tamil State. It is clear that Sri Lanka has used reasonable force, far more reasonable than what UK and USA have used. Many have expressed the fear that some NGOs have neo colonialists tendencies. It is a possibility that neo colonialists have hijacked AI and HRW and perhaps even the UN, in a manner similar to a virus hijacking the DNA of a healthy cell. This fear need to be brought to the notice of UN member states. The manner in which AI and HRW have been hounding Sri Lanka, gives the nightmare scenario of neo colonialists hijacking institutions that are there to safe guard human rights. The reason for the above comment is, both AI and HRW have done nothing to stop terrorism, but have been hounding the victim Sri Lanka. Ms Arbour has not taken a balanced view. Ms Arbour does not appear to be objective, but appear to repeat parrot fashion, what she hears through her grape wine. It is generally known that LTTE linked NGOs have an informal communication channel with UN and other NGOs. This informal communication channel is used by LTTE to feed disinformation against Sri Lanka.
Some have commented that Ms Arbours grasp of the situation in Sri Lanka is poor [3]. She simply appear to be a neo colonialist intoxicated by power, yearning to exercise that power. EU has been harbouring terrorists, that raise funds to destabilise Sri Lanka. Neither EU nor UN has done anything about it and continue to turn a blind eye. There is evidence that UN officials have been clueless, corrupt, biased towards terrorists, hell bent on being anti Government. In such a situation, it is indeed reckless for any Government to allow a UN monitoring mission in Sri Lanka. It is akin to a situation where a reckless incompetent driver is being allowed to drive a bus full of passengers!
The whole human right abuse situation in Sri Lanka is linked to terrorism, terrorist fund raising, bogus refugees and empire building mission of LTTE. Unless a person is able to see the connection, he or she would be barking up the wrong tree.
It is also significant that there is no mechanism of GoSL, specifically there to challenge the propaganda warfare and disinformation of LTTE terrorists.
It has to be pointed out that Tamil invaders from South India destroyed the irrigation system of the Sinhalese and this destruction of the irrigation system halted the development of the Sinhalese. In fact, the terrorism funded by global Tamils is now slowing down the development of a generation of Sinhalese.
The following point to the empire building mission of LTTE:
The Emblem of LTTE is similar to that of South Indian Chola dynasty
that invaded Sri Lanka. The problem is caused by Ms Arbour, and other HR groups, simply listening to one party of the conflict and simply ignoring or not hearing out the other party of the conflict.
This problem could be aggravated due to the possible racial prejudice and white supremacy idea of Ms Arbour, who may assume that Sri Lankans are less civilised than Whites. Ms Arbour needs to be reminded that Sri Lankans embraced human rights over 2000 years ago, when they accepted Buddhist values. Ms Arbour and others who preach human rights have absolutely no idea about the culture and the history of Sri Lanka. Some UN reports have shown outright bias. For example, the report produced by the torture expert Mr Nowak ignored torture committed by LTTE, such as reference to the underground prisons run by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, who admitted to the French journal Le Pointe in May 2000, that they drained the blood of Sri Lankan army captives until they died. There was physical evidence of torture chambers of LTTE. Instead of reporting facts, UN torture expert, reported canards of LTTE agents, that did not have a single shred of evidence.
Ms Arbour would not divulge the source of her information. This is again is wrong as the sources of information may have ulterior motives or an agenda of their own. Unless Ms Arbours information and the sources are known, it is impossible to challenge the allegations against Sri Lanka. By not hearing the Sri Lankan side of the story, she is breaching the basic principles of natural justice. How she performed as a Judge is a mystery to many. She has basically not understood the murky, deadly, fraudulent world of terrorists full of deception. It is also clear from her various allegations that Arbour never bothers to study the historical backdrop of the conflict in Sri Lanka or even attempt to do basic research on the culture and history of Sri Lanka. It is difficult to dish out solutions unless one has a clear idea of the root cause of the problem. Ms Arbour and some of the others in AI have not realised that Sri Lanka is struggling against all odds against the might of overseas Tamil Diaspora.
Anyone who would take the trouble to analyse the conduct of LTTE would realise the LTTE is on a mission to create a racist Tamil empire.
There is a canny resemblance of the skills of Ms Arbour (or lack of it ) and that of Prof. Meadows [17],[18],[19],[20],[21]. Prof. Meadows appeared to lack knowledge in the field of Statistics and Ms Arbour appear to lack cognitive skills or even basic common sense, as she failed to distinguish between biased LTTE secondary data and facts. She is not alone, as some in AI and even the expert torturer appear to have similar problems. The internet has information about other so called experts, who allowed themselves to be intoxicated by power and carried out major blunders and injustices.
The bias of Ms Arbour against Sri Lanka is evident, when Ms Arbour has not requested monitors to observe the actions of USA, when the reported human rights abuses carried out by USA far exceeds that of Sri Lanka. I am not critical of USA, but simply want Sri Lanka to be treated in a similar manner, when it is dealing with terrorism. Media reports on HR abuses caried out by USA, as reported by the Chimadaily [4] is given below: The report says the United States has a notorious record of trampling on the sovereignty of and violating human rights in other countries. The invasion of Iraq by US troops has produced the biggest human rights tragedy and the greatest humanitarian disaster in modern world. It was reported that since the invasion in 2003, 660,000 Iraqis have died, of which 99 percent were civilians. That translates into a daily toll of 450. According to the Los Angeles Times, the number of civilian deaths in Iraq has exceeded one million. A report from the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) revealed that about one million Iraqis were homeless, half of whom were children. US troops have killed many innocent civilians in the anti-terrorism war in Afghanistan. The Washington Post reported on May 3, 2007 that as many as 51 civilians were killed by US soldiers in one week (Karzai Says Civilian Toll is No Longer Acceptable, The Washington Post, May 3, 2007). An Afghan human rights group said in a report that US marine unit fired indiscriminately at pedestrians, people in cars, buses and taxis along a 10-mile stretch of road in Nangahar province on March 4, 2007, killing 12 civilians, including one infant and three elders (New York Times, April 15, 2007). Violations of Human rights by USA are further exposed in [24] What moral right U.S.has to preach human rights to others? . I wish to state clearly that I have nothing against the USA, but wish that EU, UN, Human Rights Watch etc., should leave Sri Lanka alone to settle its problems in its own way and help Sn Sri Lanka defeat racist terrorists. If there was no terrorism, there would be no human rights abuse in Sri Lanka. The obvious solution to stop human rights abuse in Sri Lanka is to eliminate terrorism. It is indeed strange logic that the victim of terrorism, Sri Lanka, gets blamed whilst the terrorists get preferential treatment from Western countries and terrorists go unpunished. The reason for this could be that LTTE propaganda has succeeded in deceiving busy officials who do not spend time to investigate the truth. The second possibility is that the officials, who allowed themselves to be deceived by LTTE propaganda have a racist, neo colonialist attitude and mind set. The other possibility is that these officials, who have been deceived by LTTE lack critical thinking and analytical skills.
In conclusion, I would say Ms Arbours knowledge and competency is questionable. Ms Arbour, AI and HRW have not conducted their investigations according to the principles of natural justice, but merely came to conclusions on hearing the LTTE version of events. Very often, the LTTE version of events are canards. I believe she was more interested in wielding her power than on human rights. If she was interested in human rights, she would have made an attempt to stop terrorism or terrorist funding. However the conduct of AI and HRW are no different to hers and neither of these groups appear to be interested in human rights. In the case of AI and HRW many suspect that they are more interested in protecting the rights of terrorists and performing acts to generate income for them.
I would say, it would be beneficial to the world if UN examine the competency and judgement of Ms Arbour, rather than think of a field mission in Sri Lanka. Many would like to compare the competency Ms Arbour to that of Prof. Meadows [17],[18,][19] and I hope Prof. Meadows would not be offended. Many feel Ms Arbour may be heading in the same direction as Prof. Meadows.
If UN officials cannot even get the basics right, it is difficult for Sri Lanka to have the confidence in the judgement of UN officials. As for various NGOs including AI and HRW, they are groups with self interest, with their own agendas, very often getting money from Western Governments, possibly even from LTTE. These NGOs attempt to make money to pay for the luxury living of the hundreds of foreign NGO personnel and individuals who come to Sri Lanka under the pretext of helping the people [16]. It would appear that various NGOs would like to keep war and conflict on going, just to keep them employed. The reports written by these self interest groups merely reflect their own agendas and very often are biased. The reports produced by these NGOs are hardly worth the paper the reports are written on. Thanking you, Yours sincerely,
Ben Silva
References 1. Why are they all ganging up on Sri Lanka http://www.khaleejtimes.com/DisplayArticleNew.asp?xfile=data/opinion/2008/March/opinion_March42.xml§ion=opinion&col= 2. Is LTTE laying claim to whole of India? http://www.lankaweb.com/news/items08/200308-12.html 3. Lousie Arbour http://www.lankaweb.com/news/LousieArbour.html
4. US human rights violations exposed http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2008-03/13/content_6533121_2.htm
Tiger chief's friends in need- Island Editorial
7. Real Story Behind Tamil Tigers http://mawbima.blogspot.com/2008/02/real-story-behind-tamil-tigers.html
8. Tiger taxation 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQ4_9APqVn0 http://www.tamilaffairs.com/node/57
9. Tiger taxation part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SxrJzuvFRE http://www.lankaweb.com/news/latest.html 10. LTTE female child soldiers (virgin killers and Adela Balasingham ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nh30mUhI92c
11. Sri Lanka - A comprehensive view of the current situation
12. GANG RAPE OF SRI LANKA http://www.lankaweb.com/news/items08/170108-8.html
http://www.spur.asn.au/ http://www.lankaweb.com/news/latest.html
http://www.sinhaya.com/ 16. Louise Arbour's 'dangerous liaisons' http://www.lankaweb.com/news/items07/191007-10.html
17. Profile: Sir Roy Meadow http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/3307427.stm
18. Expert witness http://www.conceptstew.co.uk/PAGES/evening_the_odds.html
19. Child expert 'misled Sally Clark trial' http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2005/jun/21/NHS.uknews
20. The mistake that cost Roy Meadow his reputation http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article731981.ece 21. Medical expert (Human rights expert ? ) http://www.meactionuk.org.uk/Professor_Sir_Roy_Meadows.htm
22. Another victim of Professor Meadows cleared http://www.innocent.org.uk/cases/MargaretSmith.html 23. Tamils Must Relearn Coexistence http://www.lankaweb.com/news/items08/210308-1.html http://www.lankaweb.com/news/items08/180308-2.html
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