


- Shripal Nishshanka Fernando

After the independency from the colonial rules, Ceylon started its' long march towards a prosperous future with a population mixed with western cultural inspirations with traitorous ambitions and true Ceylonese (Sri Lankans) with patriotism.

An ideal Prime Minister like D.S. Senanayake is an exemplarily product of a mixed culture of western and south East Asian, but possessed a long vision and sharp minded agenda. If not for his colonization of villages in the Central, Eastern and Northern provinces, today Sri Lanka would have been a country with full of harmful barbarians. The Father of the Nation D. S. Senanayake not only envisioned the troublesome future of the nation, but also implemented necessary precautions to avoid a calamity of Sinhalese being evaporated efficiently.

Sri Lanka is obviously not only for Sinhalese. Tamils, Muslims. Burghers, Moors and others shall live in Sri Lanka peacefully and work hand in hand with Sinhalese to the progress of the motherland.
An opposition party of a country has a sole responsibility of protecting the country in which it operates. It shall point out any mistake or errors that can be adopted by the ruling party and immediately take appropriate measures to stop it being launched. It should agree with the governing party for truthful patriotic activities and put the country first and foremost always.

Unfortunately Sri Lanka had most destructing opposition parties from 1948. Whether the governing party does a good work or bad, almost all the opposition parties, stood against every time. They would lie to the nation and make them angry about the governing party and try to topple party for mere sake of enjoying the power by toppling the governing party.

A worst turn of these acts and patterns began with Ranil Wickckramasinghe, the most traitorous person in Sri Lanka today. Even the notorious terrorists are better than him as they act openly. Ranil Wickckramasinghe uses all the resources of the UNP, other NGOs and foreign help to tarnish the image of Sri Lanka and the present Sri Lankan government. Today in Sri Lanka we can see a best ruler and a worst opposition leader. Ranil without a proper character and a leadership criticizes President Rajapaksha and the brave Sri Lankan forces who engage in routing out the most dangerous terrorists from the country.

It is high time that President MR shall warn this useless man and ban his all foreign tours as he is a threat to the nation. When ever he speaks up, he not only demoralizes the security forces but also protects the terrorists by telling lies after lies to the world.

In the mean time, the present brainless JVP is also backing this traitor and his clan by merging with them for nation wide strikes and disruptions. The real leaders in JVP left the party or were forced out fortunately and that paved them the way to safe guard the country properly.

It should not be that long, that the people will throw away Ranil and his clan with JVP or the present security forces will apprehend them under National Security clauses of the constitution.
It is highly commendable the way the present military liberation operations are conducted in the country. The innocent and decent Tamils, Muslims, Sinhalese and all other people shall be liberated from the paws of the heinous Wanni terrorists with all the blessings of the peace loving people of the world.

In the mean time sooner the respectful Tamils will breath in a peaceful society with brotherly Sinhalese and Muslims and others without any fear or skepticisms.

Long Live Sri Lanka!
Long Live the President and the Brave Security Forces and the Patriotic Leaders!

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