Our Country - We - Conflict
- Cause - Solution!!!
Anura Seneviratna.
The name "Lanka" is derived from the Indian word "alankaar"
used by the ancient Indian writers as a nickname to refer to the island
country of Heladiva (island of Helas). Even in the Mahavansa initiated
by the Indian monk Mahanama, Lanka is the name used to identify the
Island Country demonstrating the Indianising factor which has tarnished
Heladiva as well as the Hela Nation into a mere degraded "majority
Sinhela ethnic community" on a par with the non indigenous minority
communities of Tamil, Muslim etc. who already have countries of their
national origins elsewhere. Even when the history is and should be written
by the nations of countries themselves; our history was written by foreigners.
To all these external interferences instead of rising to object to these
injustices we seem to descend to further subservience and subjugation.
Considering this attitude is from the impact of 58 years of anti-national
brainwashing - how come we have not yet got the pecker to rise up to
reclaim our NATURAL RIGHT of NATIONHOOD in spite of numerous threats
and reminders? Yet, we seem to react in a jiffy for the slightest slip
up against one another in hefty egotism and wrath when all this energy
could be transformed cohesively against our invasive enemy with real
national punch.
When we call SL our country unlike most countries it has no reference
to a Sovereign Nation of people to identify national ownership to the
land. Neither a language nor culture as Sri Lankan to be recognised
as a unique entity. Hence, the world has perceived SL as a land shared
by different communities with equal rights, even to have the right for
separation. Even many of our people too are under the impression that
Tamil minority should have the right for separation. But the stark fact
is that the Tamils are only a non indigenous minority and they already
have their country of national origin of Tamil Nadu within the Indian
subcontinent. When a people settle down in a host country or in another
nation's country they need to merge with the host nation into a single
nationhood. Exclusivity to NATIONAL RIGHTS or NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY is
the natural heritage of an indigenous nation of people in their indigenous
land area. Habitation, settlement or even robbing a land does not give
the right to nationhood.
The name SL has given rise to total confusion of the inviolable sovereign
legality of the Hela Nation and to blatant violation of the fundamental
right of the Hela Nation, which is also the basic human right of a nation
for its very survival and for posterity. "Sinhale" is the
name existed before the island fell to the then British land robbers.
Sinhala is a corruption of Hela by Sin+Hela into Sinhela or Sinhala
by an earlier illegal Indian intrusion, thus giving rise to a major
misconception that we came from India. If so, we Sinhela should be speaking
an Indian language like the Tamils of Tamil Nadu national origin or
there should be a Sinhela province like Tamil Nadu in the Indian subcontinent.
What has happened although, the Indian intruder corrupted the Hela and
Heladiva but merged with the Hela nation, and Helabasa too corrupted
to Sinhela with Indian words. In order to establish our full-proof of
Sovereign National ownership to the whole island, reverting to Heladiva
is the wisest option and the wisest choice of our very ancient ancestors
with infinite wisdom.
Without the nickname SL for our tiny island country, in reverting to
Heladiva, we naturally regain our authentic identity of Helas and the
world at large too will finally recognise who the nation of people of
Heladiva are and the non indigenous Tamil minority as part and parcel
of the Hela Nation of Heladiva. This will also expose the fraudulent
Tamil claim to the tiny Island Country of Helas as well to identify
the Tamil country of Tamil Nadu where the Tamil national struggle should
take place.
There are no Tamil villages, Tamil areas or Muslim villages, Muslim
areas but only Hela villages and areas where Hela-Tamil and Hela-Muslims
reside with only private ownerships and not Tamil, Muslim national ownerships.
This is the universal national political concept practised in very sovereign
national country hosting non indigenous minorities.

As the country reverts to its original authentic name of Heladiva,
the people in it will be automatically Helas. Although, Mahavansa states
of a history of over 2,500 years for the Sinhalese; the Helas who are
the original nation and their history goes well over 30,000 years. Sadly,
this genuine history of the Hela Nation has been suppressed when replaced
with the Mahavansa history chronicle even to the extent of destroying
the very ancient Hela Atuwa, Aththa Katha and many historical writings
written on Ola leaves. The immense violations and intrusions against
the Hela Nation and Heladiva can be the greatest crimes committed against
a nation in history. Present seems the most imminent time towards Hela
National resurgence which is our justifiable right to live to avoid
extinction. Among the nations of the world though we are small in numbers
the moral stature is unique and an asset to the world heritage. While
the rest of the world's civilizations were based on river basins, the
Hela civilization was initiated on hydro-technology in saving the fundamental
natural resource of water in building meticulous engineering network
of tanks incorporating rain, rivers and streams where every drop of
water was utilized to its maximum before reaching the sea.
Human refinement in philosophy, poetry and skills in iron-crafts and
earliest aviation attempts can make any nation proud. With all these
potential we are a nation who faced numerous invaders, plunderers and
terrorists perhaps in sheer envy. The Hela people's living concept can
be most up to date and the lesson for today when we see the damage done
to nature by the present so called self-acclaimed leaders of the world
and their development and democracy. Since 1948 with the so called independence,
we have not gone one inch forward in terms of overall well-being and
genuine progress. This is a challenge to take stock of who we are and
what we are doing wrong. Independence from robber nations cannot be
truly conceived as long as we are grid-locked in their web still ruling
us indirectly following a system of governance, economics, an all pervading
alien life skills eating into the core of our mind and body. To be free
from this slavedom we need to stop the outbound journey through the
five senses and start discovering the inward journey using the vehicle
of mind and heart in order to choose the wholesome life in affinity
with nature.
The conflict in the country spread like cancer deserves closer examination
for a lasting cure. Ethnic conflict, civil war, terrorism and Tamil
national struggle are the current definitions to the conflict. A section
of the non indigenous Tamil ethnic minority is resorting to dastardly
killing the Hela people. Hela people being the nation of the Island
Country, cannot be classified as an ethnic group who do not retaliate,
hence it is genocide committed by a settler minority against the sovereign
nation. The civilians of SL is not at each others throats except some
SL citizens of Tamil ethnic origin are on a barbarous killing spree.
Terrorism is committed some times in demand of better social conditions
but this is an attempt to rob a part of the country as the the second
Tamil country when the Tamil country is already in existence as Tamil
Nadu within the Indian subcontinent. This is definitely not the Tamil
national struggle.
The non indigenous Tamil minority is not a separate nation within Heladiva
(SL) and any Tamil national struggle can ONLY take place in Tamil Nadu.
Therefore, the conflict is an attempt to convert HD (SL) into a second
Tamil Nadu and genocide against the tiny 14 million Hela Nation. This
confusion of wrongly identifying the conflict is nothing but primarily
due to anti-national Hela brainwashing perpetrated by the past rulers
whose loyalty rested with the Tamil minority due to their hidden Tamil
ancestral origins. If the Tamils are a nation and their indigenous land
is a certain part of Heladiva, then they should be allowed to exist
as the independent Tamil national country today with Tamil sovereignty.
But while the existence of Tamil Nadu as the indigenous Tamil land with
70 million Tamil nation - any Tamil national demand in Heladiva or anywhere
else is an attempting crime of invasion. The Tamils in Heladiva are
Hela-Tamils and if any Helas chosen to live in Tamil Nadu they will
become Tamil-Helas. The only people who have a right only for community
based devolution are our Vedi generation who are the pristine section
of the Hela nation and they will never be a threat to us.
The cause for the conflict is the absence of the independent Tamil
country for the Tamil people of the world. This being justifiable it
is imperative to discover where this independent Tamil country should
be? Tamils are a non indigenous ethnic minority in Heladiva while Tamil
Nadu with 70 million Tamils is the indigenous land of the Tamils as
a nation. So the Tamil national struggle can ONLY take place in Tamil
Nadu as it is currently the Tamil Federal State of the Indian subcontinent.
A nation can have only one country and the Tamil national country is
Tamil Nadu. But the Tamil nation cannot clash with India for independence
which they tried and failed. Hence, attempted to try in host countries
where Tamils have settled down as migrants. First attempt was in Malaysia
but failed miserably but continued to scheme for other outlets. Soon
the then Ceylon was found to be very generous to excessive Tamil demands
even as a non indigenous minority in the country of the Sinhela Nation.
The generosity extended to Ceylon-Tamils and later Sri Lanka-Tamils
largely contributed to the fact that rulers had Tamil ancestral origins
in favouring ethnic Tamils. With Tamil Nadu as the epi-centre and Diaspora
Tamils masterminded the global Tamil plot to capture SL as the first
step before venturing to free Tamil Nadu.
Talk of Tamil federalism or Tamil devolution is rampant. Already, Tamil
Nadu is a Tamil Federal State, which is fair as it is the Tamil country
where even full separation is justifiable which is the major legitimate
Tamil grievance and Heladiva has been used to take the brunt of it.
Any form of devolution based on Tamil ethnicity in Heladiva will be
a direct encouragement to invade the whole island. Solution is simple
though due to excessive rights granted to SL-Tamils and annulling these
rights will be the path to solution. This will be confrontational but
given the reality what all minorities in every host country have as
rights are what the Tamils are entitled too legally and morally. Armed
with this justifiable approach first action should be to regain and
rejuvenate the National Hela Sovereignty so that minorities will be
able to respect our sovereign command over the land. Once the national
Hela resurgence is set in motion and the facts of nationhood is brought
to the fore in merging and uniting into a single file the whole country
will settle down to the task of living