

UN and Bogus Human Rights Groups Helping Terrorism

Ratnajeewa Halpita Singapore

UN High commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour has really got her wires crossed!! The warning of individual criminal responsibility on war crimes timed at a period when the State of Sri Lanka is busy fighting the world’s most brutal and barbaric terrorist group and almost ready to eliminate it, shows how bias and unreasonable the UN could be. One wonders if these International bodies want poor countries perish under the atrocities of terrorism.

The LTTE has been violating human rights since late 1970s and no international body or country uttered a word about this. Entire villages were destroyed and villagers were massacred by the LTTE in cold blood starting from Kent farm and Dollar farm incidences in early eighties up to the Kebilithigollawa incident recently. Ethnic cleansing took place openly and the 100,000 Sinhalees who were residing in the Jaffna district were murdered and chased away and not a single Sinhala person is to be found in the North today.

The muslims were also expelled from the North and parts of the east and hundreds of them were butchered in a mosque while at prayers on one incident. UN and the international community looked the “otherside” and ignored all these!!. Innocent civilians were killed by hundreds by more than 250 suicide bomb attacks up to now done by the LTTE on civilian targets.

The country suffered silently and no one came to assist Sri Lanka. Our leaders were killed by the dozen and Heads of State were targeted more often than in any other country in the world. No other country came forward to help us fight terrorism. Innocent Tamil children were forcefully recruited to a killer squad and used in combat. They were shown many a time on propaganda media releases and some of the UN and International Human Right Group visitors to the Terrorist held areas were seen escorted by the child soldiers.

Not a word of protest or pressure brought upon them to release the child soldiers apart from a “request “ to do so by these “protectors of human rights”!! Some of these kids were converted to Human Bombs- ignored by the so called human right activists! People were forcefully recruited to the terror armies and sent as cannon fodder!! International bodies were not bothered.

Terrorist leaders were openly threatening blood baths and taking the war to the civilians in conferences where these so called international bodies had their members sitting on the opposite side of the table. European countries had Tiger Terrorist leaders in their countries releasing press statements threatening with more blood shed- the likes of late Anton Balasingham- ignored by the host country in spite of LTTE being banned there.

The State of Sri Lanka has tried their utmost to have peace negotiations starting from Thimpu round table conference up to the Norway conference, but the LTTE only used these as a recuperation time for their fighting forces and carried on regardless. The terrorist leader openly asked his carders to murder him if he stops his military campaign to get a separate state. What peaceful solution could be achieved with this barbarians. Their demand for the “Pound of flesh” –a separate state is the goal of this group. Does the UN or the others want Sri Lanka to be “broken in to two”?

When the Sri Lankan State decided to eliminate the LTTE which has brought immense suffering to its people and continue to do so, the UN and the International Human Right groups are all up against the State!! They are very worried about human rights and civilian casualties, bring in resolutions, issue warnings and now even threaten the State!!

All these groups are hell bent on stopping the State in eliminating the world’s most ruthless terrorist outfit! These groups who try to stop the Sri Lankan State from eliminating the LTTE are all guilty of supporting terrorists and are responsible for all the atrocities the LTTE has committed. They are guilty of creating a safe atmosphere for the LTTE to recruit children, continue suicide bombings and civilian massacres etc. These representatives should be tried in International Courts of aiding and abating the terrorists. We Sri Lankans would be soon compiling a charge sheet against all bodies and countries who supported the LTTE and WE would request the world for justice!!

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