

Positive Aspect of Terrorism on the Tourist Industry in Sri Lanka

Shenali Waduge

Everyone is bemoaning the fate of the tourist industry which has been one of the three main contributors to our economy. True the ongoing conflict has created travel advisories, loss of employment throughout Sri Lanka, guest houses, hotels etc running into financial difficulties but did anyone pause to think of the positive aspect?

There was a time in Sri Lanka where Sri Lanka was highlighted for its rise in child prostitution, drugs, rise in AIDS cases & the country soon became the tourist destination of pedophiles. It was a challenge to the Government & authorities to control & we can imagine how these figures would have doubled if there was no conflict in Sri Lanka.

The Tourist Ministry must be more concerned not by statistically collecting the numbers of tourists who come to Sri Lanka but by encouraging quality tourists – we have a proud culture, we have awesome destinations & sights that one cannot find in any other country.

If tourists wish to come to a country for ills like sex, prostitutes, pornography etc… let them find other countries to meet their requirements. Why should we compromise on our youth & children just to say we are getting more tourists into Sri Lanka?

The conflict has really been a blessing in disguise for it has curtailed these unwanted elements from coming to Sri Lanka. But it is also upto the Tourist Ministry to see that when peace does dawn upon Sri Lanka to ensure they are able to address any issues that are likely to occur. We don’t want to be known as a country for pedophiles & pornography.


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