

Sinhalization of the East: Myths and Realities

By Charles Perera

There should be no Sinhalization of the East or North, but Sinhala, Tamils and Muslims, should share it to be united, and live together with respect to each other. No area in Sri Lanka should be left for one Community to settle down . As in the South, North and East should have its fair share of Sinhala, Tamils, and Muslims.

When a person has been murdered in a family, it is not hatred that should persist, but a sense of loss that search the reason for the murder and take all precautions to avoid all possibilities that the same thing will not happen again. It should be the same with terrorism in Sri Lanka, once it is over we should not hate those who perpetrated those terrible acts, but try to understand the causes that lead to it, and avoid ever again a situation to make any one take arms to become terrorists in Sri Lanka.

I feel fear whether such a resolution is possible, when I hear Lal Kantha, Tilvin Silva, Wimal Weerawansa, or Amarasinghe all of JVP spit poison from their mouths, speaking against the government on the questions of the rising cost of living, and offer of a political solution, threatening that the time is not long when the government will be sent home. JVP is unfortunately strangers to the difficult period Sri Lanka is going through. They should work for National Unity by participating democratically with the government.

With terrorism coming almost to an end, we should learn a lesson from it, to create in whole of Sri Lanka an environment of mutual respect among communities, and build close ties of friendship and good neighbourliness, so that we will not see ever again communal hatred or terrorism in this beautiful Island home of ours, and instead cultivate peace, and harmonious existence, with our multicultural and multiracial identities.

But there are the devils children who will sow the seeds of division, and racial hatred. We should seek them and weed them out before they draw reins, and force us back to the nightmare of racial hatred which we have just laid behind us.

There was one such hate monger M.I.M.Mohideen, who wrote an article to the Island of the 27 December, 2007 on Sinhalization of the East. This article with lots of falsehood, had been ably replied, contesting Mohideen 's inexactitudes, and untruths, with statistical references and valid arguments by Anuruddha Pradeep, in his reply to Mohideen in the Island of the 24 January,2008.

I was happy to read Pradeep's letter, which made me feel proud that we have people who do not give into hatred, and see a problem with wisdom. We want more peace doves, not poisonous snakes, not only from the Sinhala camp , but also from the Tamil and Muslim camps, if we are to build a united nation in Sri Lanka, and that in fact is more important than a political devolution of power.

The Muslim leaders should respect sacred historic places of Buddhism as part of their own heritage. The Dighavapi is a historical town-ship built around a Chetiya, built and developed by the great King Saddhatiss, and the settlements in and around the area should be left as areas of settlements for the Sinhala Buddhists.

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