


AHMADIYYA MUSLIM JAMA’AT - SRI LANKA 619/4, Baseline Road, Colombo 9, Sri Lanka.

The Khilafat Centenary Jalsa Salana (Annual Convention) in Germany concludes with a powerful address by Ahmadiyya Supreme Head.

The Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad concluded the three day the Khilafat Centenary Jalsa Salana in Germany on last Sunday (24th August, 2008) with an hour long address in which he spoke about a number of topical issues such as the status of the Ahmadiyya Khilafat (Spiritual Leadership), the problems faced by the non-Ahmadi Muslim world and the opposition faced by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in countries such as Pakistan and Indonesia. The event, which was held in Mannheim and broadcast via satellite television throughout the world, was attended by over 37,000 people from various parts of the world.

His Holiness began his address by stating how fortunate Ahmadi Muslims were because they had accepted the true Islam as taught by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Whereas non-Ahmadi Muslims propagated false teachings that made people turn away from religion, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community reflected the peaceful and inclusive teachings of true Islam. And it was for this reason that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community was spreading far and wide under the umbrella of Khilafat (the system of spiritual leadership which united Ahmadi Muslims worldwide).

Regarding the non-Ahmadi Muslim world, His Holiness observed that it had become completely divided. The Muslim world was in crisis and Muslim countries were in the process of self destruction. His Holiness said that it had now reached the stage where so called Muslim countries were forced to seek the help and guidance of other countries simply to survive. The so called Muslim leaders cared only for the wealth they accrued and the worldly legacies they left behind. Their current predicament was due simply to their rejection of the Imam of the Age, Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.

His Holiness continued by stating that the millions of Ahmadi Muslims throughout the world had a great and important role to play. The religion of Islam was a universal religion and thus it was the duty of all Ahmadis to peacefully propagate its beautiful teachings. In this respect the Community had already made great strides; printing presses were established in Europe, Asia and Africa, whilst the satellite television channel MTA delivered the message of Ahmadiyyat throughout the world, as did the numerous websites developed by the Community.

Regarding the continued persecution of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in countries such as Pakistan and Indonesia, His Holiness reassured members of the Community by reminding them that the suffering they faced was but a temporary ordeal. The opponents who inflicted their hatred by murdering Ahmadis simply for their faith and who tried their utmost to prevent the Community from existing could not compare to the Power of God Almighty. The history of the Community bore testimony to the fact whenever any obstacle had arisen, God Almighty Himself had protected the Community at every turn. The opponents had been left continually frustrated in their attempts to destroy the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, which had continued to go from strength to strength.

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