

Beware of those who claim to carry Gifts!

Prof. Hudson McLean

I have been introduced to several Scandinavians of Sri Lankan origin and Scandinavians (the Blue eyed "100% honest humans on Earth" - sic) of Scandinavian origin, who are collecting donations and gifts for the poor Sri Lankans.

Personally I have donated equipment to one person, who has used the equipment for his own family property in Scandinavia. Never went to the Sri Lankan poor. So much for the "rich, honest, Scandinavians"!

Several Sri Lankans in these Nordic pastures have been collecting "donations" but after a few months, they were driving in better, newer, motor cars. Then they have the audacity to claim that the SLG is filled with scammers!

And there are several Scandinavians now currently in Sri Lanka, pretending to help the rural community but preaching Christianity and also collecting "donations" and offering employment in Scandinavia.

At least two of such "exploiters" are collecting young Singhala boys for massage parlours, for their own personal pleasure at night, as well as for commercial exploitation during the day. A 24x7 service with a smile. These boys do "Kandyan dancing" too!

Sweden recently passed a law that "Selling Sex is No Offence, but Buying and Paying for Sex, is an Offence."

Interesting loop-hole. As long as you enjoy a massage with "relief", without payment is OK!

In Oslo, the Norwegians are operating the only public sex opportunity with animals. One can have a choice between a horse, donkey or a dog etc........

They have not put the LTTE on the menu yet.


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