

What does the UN do when privileged terrorists commit war crimes? Nothing.

Dilrook Kannangara -US

The UN still treats Sri Lanka which is a member state and the LTTE as equals. This shows the extreme inadequacy of UN mechanisms to protect civilians and human rights when committed by terrorists who are not effectively bound by the International Law. If the UNHR High Commissioner was of the view that the International Law applies to terrorists, it is time she accepts the reality that was proven today.

Therefore the partial implementation of the Law results in creating endangered humans who are not backed by a terrorist group and hence have to bear the blunt of terrorism.However, the UN’s contribution to civilian deaths doesn’t end there.

By not allowing the government to take stern and effective action against the terrorists, the UN hinders public security measures thus endangering the public. Certain public security measures are taken to safeguard the civilian population from infiltrating terrorists and in a situation of war, these measures are imperative. No war has been fought in recent history without civilian casualties and human rights violations; these are essential parts of war.

What is required is only to refrain from deliberately harming civilians. Mass arrests, detentions for interrogation and other similar measures have proven effective to a great extent in times of terrorist warfare and these must continue unabated.For the UNHCR, human rights monitoring and reporting is a money spinner; it is a business; however, for the government it is a very condition of its existence. Therefore the democratically elected government will make every feasible endeavor to protect human rights.

Unwarranted paranoia will only cause mistrust which will be highly damaging. What Sri Lanka needs now is to eliminate these terrorists who will at the drop of a hat go on killing civilians with no regard to the International Law. Remind them of the International Law, and they will kill more! Therefore the UN and its agencies must stand by Sri Lanka which is a member state and differentiate the terrorists from the legitimate government.

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